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He forced me to throw up after breakfast. The "treat" wasn't so much of a treat anymore. It was easy enough though. I had been throwing up for a long time now so it was easy for me to do it. I was getting thinner and thinner and I didn't really want to throw up or starve myself but he had made me realise I would be even more beautiful if I lost the weight. I had never been the thinnest. Sure, I'm not heavy but I've got a bit of fat around my stomach and my thighs. Well, I don't anymore because I've been starving myself for about a month, throwing up every time I actually did eat something.

Right now I was sitting in the bathtub after he forced himself onto and into me. He wanted us to bathe together. He's treating me in such a degrading way. Washing me as if I weren't able to do that myself. He used it to his advantage and touched me instead and it ended up with him forcing me to have sex again. I wish I was home.

Mum, dad, uncle Fred and my siblings were planning on going back to the flat on December 28th which was today. They were probably home right now, having fun and being all cozy in the living room. I wish I was home with them. I wish I sat with them, played board games with them and had the baking contests we had every year. I wish I could tell them everything, just cry in mum's arms and get everything off the chest. Tell her about Luke, tell her that he hurts me, that he rapes me. Tell her that I'm scared and that I wish I was dead.

"You should probably get out of the tub." Luke's voice came from the door. He walked back inside, now wearing a pair of jeans, buckling his belt while looking at me. "You'll end up with raisin skin."

I didn't answer. I just sat here, knees to my chest with my arms wrapped around them and my chin resting on top of them. He came closer and leaned over the front of the tub, grabbing the sides of it with his hands.


I still didn't answer. All I could think about was my family. They didn't deserve this. To have a daughter, a sister who was this weak. To have a daughter and a sister who let her own boyfriend rape her, beat her and control her.

Then I thought about Simon. We had a fight a few months ago. I think it was in October. He confronted me about a bruise on my jaw and I went into defence mode.

"Why are you ignoring me?!"

"Just drop it, Simon. I'm not in the mood for one of your lectures."

"My lectures? You keep showing up with bruises on your face, your body and I'm worried about you!" he yelled. I turned around quickly and he stopped in his tracks, looking down at me. "Why can't you see that he's toxic?"

"Why can't you mind your own business?"

Now I wish I hadn't fought with him. I wish I had told him everything. Even if I had started crying. I should've told someone. The more time that passed, the worse it got, the worse Luke treated me.

"Vivi!" Luke snapped. I lifted my chin and my eyes met his. He was pissed off. It was obvious by the way he looked at me. "Get out of the tub."


"Or I can pull you out." he suggested, raising his eyebrows at me. "By your hair... you seem to like that."

"Can you– hand me a towel?" I asked. He straightened up at my request and went and got a towel before he handed it to me. I got up and quickly wrapped it around my body before stepping out of the tub.

"I'll get you some clothes from your bag." he told me, pulling me closer to kiss me before he walked out of the bathroom. I dried my body, then wrapped the towel around me again as he walked back in with some clothes from my bag. His other hand was hidden behind his back but I didn't think too much of it.

I tried getting dress as quickly as possible. I hated being naked under his stare. I hated having him watch me get dressed. When I pulled my jumper over my head and down around my hips, he placed something on the sink in front of me and my eyes widened when I saw it was the moving photograph of Simon and I. The one I found under my bed before my fifth year started. I had forgot it was in the bag I packed to go here. I brought it with me for Christmas because I really love the photo.

"Isn't that Jordan, right there?" Luke asked. "Simon Jordan? The same one that is completely utterly in love with you."

"I uh– I mean... I-I."

"Use your words, Genevieve!" he yelled louder than he had done before. I flinched but my eyes stayed on the photograph as Simon and I broke into laughter after we had just acted all tough for the camera. "Why do you have a fucking photo with you of you and him? Are you trying to make me angry? Are you trying to cross me? You do not want to fucking cross me!"


Next chapter will be rough...

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now