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Call me a saint 'cause I'm updating 222-224. No, really there's just a chapter I can't wait for everyone to read a.k.a, chapter 224.


I went straight to bed after my shower. I had no idea how I was going to hide my black eye on the morning. I actually wouldn't be able to. I've got no makeup, neither does Emery and there's no spell to fix a black eye.

I had a nightmare. I dreamt about what happened— what Luke did to me.

The next morning, I was woken up by Emery shaking me while calling my name and telling me I had slept for twenty minutes longer than usual.

I groaned and waved her off before turning onto my other side and a gasp immediately came from her, making me realize what she had seen. I opened my eyes and she gasped again.

"Do not try and tell me that's from a fall as well!" She told me. "Get up. Right now."

I sat up and looked around the room but we were the only one in here. All the other beds were made so they were probably already at breakfast.

Memories from last night flushed through my mind and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

"Did Luke do that?" Emery asked and placed a few fingers under my chin to lift my head, looking at my black eye. "I warned you about him, Vivi."

"He didn't do that." I said. "I accidentally punched myself when trying to open a jar."

"Really?" She frowned. "That's so believable. I bet he was the one who caused your cut lip and the bruised cheek, right?"

"No." I lied. "He doesn't hit me."

"Oh my god." She laughed sarcastically as she backed up. "Why are you protecting him?! He's abusing you, Vivi!"

There was no point in even trying to deny it. I knew how it looked. I tell them I'm in a relationship with a guy who's known to abuse his girlfriends and then I start to show up with bruises.

"Please help me find an excuse." I begged. "Fred and Sammy are going to freak and they'll kill him—"

"Not if I kill him first." She scoffed.

"Please." I said. "If any of you confront him, it's only going to get worse."

"Oh no. We're gonna go eat breakfast and then we'll see Percy about this." She ordered. "Now, get dressed. I won't let him hurt you again, understand?"

She tried hugging me but I avoided it. The thought of anyone hugging me or getting too close to me, made me uncomfortable. All I could think about was Luke's hands on my body.

"I can't believe he laid a hand on you and you didn't tell us." Emery said when I got up to get dressed. She looked at me weirdly when I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

She was used to me changing in front of her like I was used to her changing in front of me, but I just couldn't.

When we got down to the Great Hall, I kept my eyes on the floor. My heart was racing. I was scared of people seeing my black eye and it couldn't be avoided, I knew that.

When I sat down with Emery next to me and Roxanne in my other side, I just waited for Fred and Sammy's reaction. When they got awfully quiet, I knew they had noticed and when I looked at them, both stared at me.

I quickly looked down and focused on eating my breakfast instead of saying anything. Sammy let out a breath and suddenly he slammed his fists against the table before quickly getting up.

I didn't get to react as he rushed to the Slytherin table and grabbed Luke by the collar, pulling him off the bench so that he was on the floor, and then punched him in the face.

Some students were cheering on, encouraging the fight while others watched in shock. Even some of the teachers didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. It felt like it was happening in slow motion.

I watched my twin brother beat my boyfriend. I watched as my boyfriend gasped for air between punches, blood flying everywhere and suddenly it all changed and my brother was the one on the floor, getting punched. They started rolling around, shifting between taking charge and punching each other.

Uncle Sebastian got up from his seat and made his way towards the scene with fast and big steps. He wrapped his arms under Sammy's arms and pulled him off.

"I will kill you!" Sammy screamed at Luke. "I will fucking kill you! If you ever fucking lay a hand on her again, you will be fucking dead."

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