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"What're you–" I stopped mid-sentence when Luke walked into one of the toilet stalls, leaving the stall door open, head turning before his eyes locked with mine.

He had pulled me with him in here and my heart was beating fast with fright but now I was just plain confused. He didn't look like someone who wanted sex.

"Come here." he extended a hand and I just stared at it. "Vivi. Do you trust me?"


"I guess." I muttered nervously, biting my lip. I placed my hand in his while letting my bag fall onto the floor. He pulled me into the stall with him and placed his free hand against the side of my neck as he looked at me.

"Do you remember how we talked about your... situation?"

He eyed me up and down and I knew he was talking about my body. I simply nodded before he pressed his lips to mine and kissed me passionately.


I did still love him. Why did I still love him? I was supposed to hate him for what he was doing to me. No.. maybe it was me I should hate. It was me that I hated. I did this to myself. I let him do it. I ruined myself. It's my fault.

"My mum wanted to be perfect when she was younger." he told me and stepped away from me to lean against the wall. "You know how I told you she only ate dinner and made sure only to eat vegetables?"

I nodded.

"Well, after she did eat, she'd throw up." he told me.

"She told you that?"

"She did." he nodded. "Get down on your knees."


"You heard me."

"Luke." I sighed. "That's crazy. I'm not gonna make myself throw u–"

"On your knees."

I closed my eyes for a moment to gather my thoughts and try to focus on what he was going to force me to. Then I let myself sink onto the floor and he crouched next to me.

"You just gotta stick two fingers down your throat." he told me. "Activate your gag reflex. I know you have one."

He smirked. I felt disgusted. By him and by that comment. He made me give him a blowjob a few days ago and it was absolutely horrible.

"You want to get it over with, don't you?" he asked and gathered my hair behind my head so it wouldn't get in the way. I hesitated to do it but then leaned over the toilet and closed my eyes as I stuck two fingers down my throat, making myself gag. Though I didn't throw up. "You need to get them deeper down. Don't worry, it takes practice."

I felt so uncomfortable about this and I just wanted it to stop. I didn't want to throw up. I hated throwing up. It was always the worst thing about having the stomach flu when I was younger.

"You're so useless." he sighed and forced my fingers out of my mouth before tucking at my hair slightly to lift my chin up, and then he forced his own fingers so far down my throat that I threw up into the toilet. When I was finished, I just sat there in shock over what happened as he rubbed my back. "See. Wasn't that hard. This is how it's done. This is how you become perfect and how you get rid of the fat."

He stood up and walked out of the stall to wash his hands while I let myself fall down onto my bum, my back pressed against the wall and then I just started crying. I didn't even care that he was there and could see me. I just cried and I couldn't stop.

Luke watched me through the mirror before he dried his hands and joined me again, leaning his body against the stall door.

"I want you to come to my place during the holidays." he said, causing me to quickly look up at him. "Not for the whole vacation but my mum's leaving on the twentieth and she doesn't come back until after school starts again. I'll let you have Christmas with your family but I want you to come to my house on the twenty-sixth and stay there until the third of January."


"Why." he laughed. "Well because I want to spend some alone time with you, silly."

"Why me?" I then proceeded to ask. He cocked an eyebrow at me in response. "Why am I the one you decided to talk to? Why am I the one you want?"

"Don't ask ridiculous questions, Genevieve." he rolled his eyes. "And stop the weeping. You should probably flush the toilet and do something about your breath so no one notices that you've thrown up."

Then he turned around and left.


I promise you, better times are ahead.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now