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May 5th of 2017

"Mum?" My weak voice asked into the room when I heard the floor creak. Every night my mum would come and check on me but she always walked to my bed and pecked my forehead before whispering something along the lines of 'Goodnight sweetie. Everything's going to be alright'.

She never snuck into my room so that's why I was questioning it.

"Mum?" I tried again. I propped myself up on my elbows and looked around until I saw that my window was open.

I closed that before going to bed, didn't I?

With a sigh, I pulled the covers away from my body and pulled my legs over the edge of the bed, standing.

The chill air came through the window and hit me. Shivers went down my spine and I immediately wrapped my arms around myself as I approached the window.

After I closed it, I turned around but then it felt like my heart dropped. My eyes went wide at the person standing in front of me and I was about to scream with fright when a hand went over my mouth and I was forced against the window. His dark brown eyes stared into mine and his lips were pressed together in a flat line. He was angry and I was scared.

His hair had fully grown back from when he shaved it, it had even gotten a tad longer than before but then again, he spent a month in Azkaban and then he had been hiding from the Aurors for two.

He had several scars on his face that weren't there before. He looked like shit but that wasn't even what was on my mind.

How did he find me?

"You know what angers me?" He growled into my face, causing me to close my eyes as I gulped.

Don't cry.

"Little brats who sends me to Azkaban." He told me. "I did nothing wrong, baby. All I did was love you."

I turned my arm so that my palm was facing the room. I concentrated on my wand, thinking the words 'accio wand' over and over again. Uncle Bill had spend these months at the Burrow teaching me how to summon my wand without saying the actual words. Just in case I would need it if I got in trouble.

I felt the material of my wand in my palm and I opened my eyes to look at him. Just as I was about to put the wand to his throat, he grabbed around my wrist and I yelled into his hand when he smashed my hand repeatedly into the wall until the wand fell to the floor, then he stepped on it and the crack told me it was broken.

"You're done, Genevieve." He told me. "You're coming with me and you're gonna pay for what you did."

I shook my head frantically as the tears starting flowing from my eyes.

"Yes." His raspy voice laughed as he nodded. "I'm gonna remove my hand now and if you scream, you're dead."

He slowly dropped his hand from my mouth, then leaned in and kissed the corner of my mouth.

Then I did it. The exact thing he told me not to. I screamed at the top of my lungs. He jumped a little as I started him but then he clamped a hand over my mouth again and I started crying violently.

"You fucking bitch!" He spat and reached into his pocket to pull out his wand. As I started hearing running steps from my parents room, he snuck his arm around my waist and disapparated the both of us.

We immediately landed on some cold cement floor and as soon as he let go of me, I fell to my knees. A cry of pain left my mouth. Not just physically pain from my knees hitting the floor but also emotionally pain.

He was going to kill me.

It wasn't gonna stop until I was either dead or his again and I never wanted to be his again. He stood next to me. He didn't say anything, he just stood there while I cried into the room.

After a moment, I tilted my head back and looked up at him through my teary eyes.

"W-What do you want from me?"

He didn't respond. His dark eyes only stared at me so instead I looked around to see where I was. It was a dark square room. Stone wall, cement floor. There was chains attached to one wall and chains attached to another wall with what looked like cuffs.

"Please, Luke." I cried and looked up at him again. "I'm sorry."

"You don't mean that." He said, giving me an expression I had never seen. His eyes were starting to become glossy as he crouched down and gently grabbed my jaw to look at me. "You hate me."

"N-no." I lied, grasping onto his shirt. "Please Luke. I love you. I-I really do. Just take me home please. I promise I'll tell them it was a lie. I promise you won't have t-to go back to Azkaban."

He pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear and I noticed the tear that slid down his cheek. I had never seen him cry before.

"You don't have to lie anymore." He whispered and placed his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry, baby. I never wanted to hurt you but he didn't give me a choice."

"Who?" I asked as he hooked an arm under my knees and one behind my back before lifting me up. "Who is he?"

He didn't respond as he put me down by one of the walls with chains attached to it.

"No, Luke." I cried, shaking my head when he grabbed the cuffs. "Please. You don't have to do this."

I tried pushing his hands away and kicking after him but his other hand grabbed onto my foot as he cuffed one of my ankles.

"Luke." I cried and he looked at me, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Vivi. I promise I'll do better, yeah?"

He went to stand but I grasped onto his wrist which made him look at me again.

"I'm sorry—" he repeated. "I didn't mean what I said when I called you a brat and a... a bitch and I'm— I'm not angry with what you did—"


He threatened me in my room and now he said he wasn't angry? Something didn't add up.

"I'll be back down here with your breakfast in a few hours." He kissed my forehead and walked towards the door that was made of bars where a faint light shone through. I kept crying, calling for him and begging for him to let me go but he kept going and as he licked the door behind him, I saw him wipe some tears from his cheeks.

When he was gone, I closed my eyes and threw my head back against the stone wall. I couldn't stop crying. Mum and dad knew I was gone. They must've entered my room shortly after Luke had apparated me here and I hated the thought of them being worried.

They had gone through this once before. When they found out I was being beaten up by Luke. Now they had to live, knowing I had been kidnapped and not knowing if I were dead or alive.

Please. God, if you exit. Give me a break. Let me be happy. Just for once. Please.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now