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I completely forgot to include some people in the cast that will be a part of the story, one of those is already mentioned so if you'd like, go back and take a look at Lucas Parkinson and Emery Williamson.


"Uncle Ron!" Veronica shouted when she saw him from the top of the stairs. She suddenly sprinted down them and hugged him so quick that he didn't get to respond while he also almost dropped the box of products he was currently restocking.

Verity was on the other hand not doing shit. She was reading a magazine behind the disk but when she noticed us, she quickly dropped it and acted like she was counting the money. When dad made his way down the stairs in front of me, I noticed how her eyes followed him and I rolled my own eyes.

She's been working here almost since the start of the shop, when dad and uncle Freddie first opened it, meaning she has always been in my life and as long as I can remember, she's been looking at my dad as if my mum or his six kids didn't exist.

"Every man to the car! Hurry, quick!" dad said, waving us all out of the shop. Dad got a muggle license when I was younger so we have a car that's parked in London, near the entrance to Diagon Alley.

"George, we still have forty minutes. Let them say goodbye to Ron first. They won't see him until Christmas." my mum said. Uncle Ron was currently crouched, hugging Veronica tightly as they said goodbye.

We've seen uncle Ron every single day of our lives. Except for weekends sometimes. About a year after the war ended, he quit his job as an auror to come help dad with the shop since uncle Freddie had died.

"Bye uncle Ronnie!" Veronica said and laughed. She loved calling him Ronnie because that would mean they had a mutual nickname. No one had ever called him that before she started doing so.

"Bye niece Ronnie." he laughed in the same tone, waving at the same way as she ran out of the door and waited out there. Roxanne went next, gave Ron a quick hug and said a goodbye before walking out to hold Veronica's hand. There was sometimes a lot of people in Diagon Alley so mum and dad didn't want her to walk without holding someone hand, in case she got lost.

"I'll see you at Christmas." I said as I hugged him next.

"You definitely will." he responded, tightening his grip before letting go of me. "Be good this year, Vivi. Otherwise I'll have to hear your mum complain to your dad all the time."

"Can't promise anything." I smiled and grabbed my trunk again. I walked to the door and opened it, then turned towards where Verity was. "Verity!"

She looked at me, confused. "Any person with eyes can see that you want to screw my father. Don't be so oblivious. He has a wife!"

"Genevieve!" Mum hissed and rushed forwards, causing me to flee out of the shop before she could murder me. I couldn't help but laughed biting down on my tongue as I nearly tripped over the doorstep.

When everyone had said goodbye to Ron, we made our way up to the wall that separated Diagon Alley from the rest of London and on the way, mum lectured me about not calling Verity out like that again and that she now had to apologise for my actions when her and dad got home again. Though dad secretly high-fived me behind her back.

We reached King Cross station when it was fifteen to eleven. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny stood on the platform where they said to my younger cousin James Sirius Potter. My two other cousins were there as well to say goodbye to their older brother.

Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. Apparently Albus was the name of the former headmaster and Severus was the name of the former potions master. And apparently Severus killed Albus. Oh, and Lily was Uncle Harry's mum and Luna was this girl he knew at school. James is actually also the name of Uncle Harry's deceased father.

They do like to name their children after people they once knew. I mean, my parents did the same.

My older brother Fred is named after my deceased Uncle Fred and his middle name is from my deceased Uncle Benjamin. Then there's Roxanne. Her middle name is Elizabeth and my mum's name is Elizabeth. Sammy, Bryson and Veronica aren't named after anyone but my name is another version of Ginevra which is aunt Ginny's real name. They chose that because my aunt really wanted a baby named after her. They didn't name Roxanne after her and I was the second girl so it ended up being me.

Genevieve Blakely Weasley. Don't ask me where Blakely is from, I guess they just liked that name to go with Genevieve and Weasley.

We greeted my uncle, aunt and cousins before we said goodbye to our own parents. I hugged both mum and dad tight and they shouted things after us, as to stay safe, don't get in too much trouble.

"Especially you Vivi and Sammy!"

Then Sammy and I jumped onto the train together. Our luggage was packed as that was the first thing we did once we got through the wall to the platform. We only things we had with us was everything necessary in our backpacks.

"Where do you think she's sitting?" I asked. "Closed or open?"

"Closed." Sammy told me, glancing back at me. "If there was any available. Ah– there she is."

I pushed Sammy out of the way as soon as he had spoken. There she was. Our best friend Emery. She was standing in one of the closed compartments, currently pushing her bag onto the luggage rack. When I pushed the door open, she turned towards me and we both shrieked before meeting in a large and warm hug.

"I've missed you so much." she pouted and she squeezed me tightly.

"I've missed you more." I replied, squeezing back before I pulled away. "You look so pretty. So beautiful."

"Says you." she scoffed. "I am so jealous of your red hair."

"Don't I get a hug?" Sammy asked from behind me. Emery laughed before she threw her arms around him to give him the same hug we had just shared.

"I've missed you too, Sammy."

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