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I just realized that I would belong to Durmstrang if I went to a wizarding school.

Wish it was Hogwarts though ;(

"Do you think mum and dad are going to let me go?" I asked as Sammy held the door open to me before following me out of the classroom.

"Why wouldn't they?"

"Well, with everything that's been going on." I said and glanced at him. "I don't know. Maybe they'll get too protective and not allow me to go."

"So you think they'd rather have you stay behind in the castle while your class goes to Inverness? I know you're my sister but that's crazy thinking, even for you. It does explain why you're not in Ravenclaw."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "So you do think they'll sign this?"

"Of course they'll sign it, Vivi. They want you to be distracted, right? A field trip to Inverness will help with exactly that and I think seeing as Uncle Sebastian is the teacher who'll chaperone us, they really aren't going to have one thing to worry about."

Yeah alright. I should probably try and relax. I was so worried about something as simple as a field trip that won't happen until in late May when I could just relax and stop being so tense about it. Sammy was right. Of course mum and dad would sign it. Uncle Bash might be a little intense at times but he's an responsible adult. I've always found it odd that he's so much older than mum. I mean, my siblings and I are quite close when it comes to age. Well, not Ronnie. She's eight years younger than Freddie and mum is nine years younger than uncle Bash which makes him forty-seven years old as mum is thirty-eight. No, mum turns thirty-nine in about three months and uncle Bash just turned a year older. He's forty-eight.

"Weasley!" a voice shouted from somewhere behind us. Both Sammy and I turned around, unaware of who the call was for, but when Slytherin's keeper Cal Hoggard approached us, we both knew which Weasley he meant.

"No." Sammy stepped in front of me. "Don't even think about it."

"What? I came to congratulate your sister." Hoggard snickered before looking at me from over my brothers shoulder. "Congratulations... on being a bitch."

"If you don't get the fuck away, right now–" Sammy threatened but he was interrupted when Hoggard spoke again.

"Is this some type of thing that prudes like you do? Get guys thrown in Azkaban just because they touch you between your small thighs?" he mocked and I noticed Sammy closed his fists, his jaw tensing at the same time. I gulped as I stared at Hoggard. "Oh, you didn't know? Luke told the team everything you two did together. He even went into detail about how you cried and whimpered for him to stop and I think Luke was right. You're nothing but a prude. Just admit you wanted it. Tell your mum it was consensual so he gets out. You and I both know he doesn't deserve to be in there."

Then Sammy's fist collided with Hoggard's jaw, causing his head to snap in the opposite direction but he stayed in place. A mocking laugh came from down his throat before he looked at my brother and stepped closer. He grabbed a handful of Sammy's jumper and hovered over him while I looked around, seeing the empty corridor that wasn't supposed to be empty. Then I saw the rest of the Slytherin team guarding the door out to the hallway, making sure no one came in. It was a trap.

"Do you wanna try that again?" Hoggard threatened my brother.

Please don't hit him.

"You know what I hate about Gryffindors?" Hoggard asked without letting go of my brothers jumper. "They always get themselves into some dirt they can't get themselves out of again. You wanna play big bad wolf, Weasley? Wanna beat up someone older than you? Maybe you should start with someone your own age."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now