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Adrian was dead. He was actually finally dead. He was sentenced to death and got the dementors kiss the day before me and Sammy's birthday. Then they burned his body just to be on the safe side. Uncle Fred was going to survive but just like dad, he now missed some of his ear. Though he seemed awfully cheerful about it and would tease grandma about not being able to tell them apart again.

Today was my birthday. Sammy and I were finally sixteen years old and the entire family was gathered at the burrow for both a celebration of everything being over after all of these years but also to celebrate the birthday.

Mum and dad had decided on a destination. We were gonna go to Mexico and stay for a while and we had already been enrolled at Ilvermorny to study over the next year when dad contacted them the day after Fred lost his ear.

But for right now, we were celebrating. Today was all about celebrating those two things and I honestly hadn't felt this happy in a long time.

"Happy fucking birthday." it came from behind me and a smile spread on my face, knowing it was my great-cousin King. I didn't even have to look at him, I just knew it.

"Thank you." I chuckled as I hugged him. "Have you tasted my grandma's cake? It's really good."

"I don't doubt it." he told me. "But I haven't gotten to it just yet. Wanted to wish you and Sammy a happy birthday as the first thing when I got here."

He looked around, then looked at me again.

"Where is Sammy?"

"I think he's inside." I said. "Talking to dad."

King left to go find Sammy and I turned around, my eyes landing on mum and aunt Kathy who were laughing about something, acting like school girls. I liked seeing mum laugh. Liked seeing her happy.

Simon was here too. They had decided to come home from Spain to celebrate Sammy and me and then they were going back in a few days after doing a proper goodbye, now that we were gonna spend a while in Mexico.

It was going to be a year we'd be gone. Mum and dad had managed to rent a small house by the sea and it should be really lovely. They traveled with a portkey yesterday to sign the contract.

Everything was going to be okay now. Everything was fine. When we got back, I could do my last year at Hogwarts but the one thing I didn't like was that when I got back, Simon would be finished with Hogwarts and go to Paris for school so we wouldn't have a chance of a relationship like we once talked about.

Maybe we just weren't meant to me. He'd probably meet someone anyway. I mean, it's Paris we're talking about. He'll meet a sweet and beautiful French girl and I'll be here, wishing it was me.

I hated that thought. I thought I found love with Luke and then I fell in love with Simon but I'm just unlucky. Maybe this is the universe telling me that love isn't for me.

"Hey, Evie!"

I turned around quickly, seeing Simon come jogging towards me. "Merlin, I'm out of shape."

I laughed, patting his arm as he straightened up after holding his knees for a moment.

"Don't worry." I shrugged. "You look in shape."

"I do?" He asked and looked down at himself. "Aw Evie. So sweet of you."

He pouted and wrapped his arms around me, making me laugh even louder as I hugged him back.

"You know, I really like your hair." He told me as he stepped back. "Not that I didn't like it before because I really did but this is also beautiful."

I had never had this length of hair before. I had always had really long hair but now it went to just above my shoulders and I liked it. I think I liked it more than my long hair.

"Happy birthday." He smiled. "I remember when we were kids and you told me the one birthday you looked forward to in life was the sixteenth."

"It's a big number." I shrugged. "Don't you think? I think it's a big number."

I sat down in the grass by the tree and Simon joined me, scooting closer to me.

"We won't be going to school together anymore." He sighed. "You'll go to Mexico for a year and after that I'll be graduating and attending music school in Paris."

"Don't remind me." I sighed. "I liked going to school with you and now— everything's about to change."

Simon extended his hand and with a smile, I placed mine in his. He turned my arm around, then gently pushed up my sleeve, exposing the scar that Luke once cut in me.

"I'm going to miss you too." He told me while running a finger over the words. "I'm bummed that we didn't get to see where this led us. Whatever we had going on."

"Yeah." I breathed. I watched his finger as it continuously ran over the scars. "Would you be able to love me even with them?"

His eyes flicked up to my face.

"Of course—" he frowned slightly. "You think I wouldn't?"

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Who would love someone with the words Slut for Parkinson cut  in their arm."

"I would." He hurried to say. "It's not like you did this to yourself. I've already told you I love you and that was knowing you had those scars. I know the things that happened to you and they weren't fair but that doesn't change my feelings."

With a small smile, I leaned my head on his shoulder, feeling him lean his on mine.

"Wait for me?" He asked. "School in Paris is three years. Wait for me?"

I nodded, smiling at the fact that maybe this could work after all.

"Okay." I breathed. "I'll wait for you."

Oh no.. there're only two chapters left ;(

I might post one more tonight and then the epilogue tomorrow.

- Julie

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