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Since this is the last chapter before the epilogue, I thought I'd share a gif of our lovely Genevieve Blakely Weasley also known as Vivi or Evie.


"Cannot believe they don't have a Hogwarts Express." Sammy scoffed as we landed in front of a large castle.


"Why would they have a Hogwarts Express when it isn't Hogwarts?" Roxanne frowned at our brother.

"Well then an Ilvermorny Express. You know what I bloody mean!"

The four of us stood in front of the castle, observing it. We said goodbye to everyone else at home. Now was it. We were about to start as the new students at a new school. I was starting my sixth year, Roxi her seventh, Bryson his third and Sammy his sixth as well.

My siblings and I exchanged glances before we walked through the black steel gate and up towards the main entrance of the castle. Inside it was filled with students wearing the same robes as us. Navy blue robes with a dark red on the inside and the tie was red with gold stripes.

A man approached us and introduced himself as headmaster Fontaine, then told us and the first year students to follow him to their Great Hall were the sorting ceremony took place.

Everything was so different. I was used to how it was at Hogwarts but here we were, starting a wizarding school in a country with different accents. I ended up being sorted into Pukwudgie and I couldn't help but think about what mum and uncle Fred had told me. I have a big heart.

Sammy was sorted into Wampus which makes sense due to his love for fighting whenever he gets the chance. Roxanne got into Hornet Serpents and Bryson was sorted into Thunderbirds. We were all siblings but we were all so different and we were no longer in the same house.

"Hi!" a girl spoke when I sat down by the table where the Pukwudgie house sat. She looked to be around my age, long baby blue hair and green eyes. She had a few freckles on her face along with a nose ring. "I'm Vanessa. You're a transfer student, I'll take it?"

"Hi, yeah." I nodded slowly and shook the hand she had extended across the table. "I'm Genevieve. Vivi for short."

"Well it's nice to meet you Vivi." she smiled. "You don't have to the nervous. I'll make sure to show you around and help you get settled. Once you've gotten to know the place, I'm sure it'll work out great for you."

She seem nice.

"You're from England?" she questioned. "You have an accent."

"Oh, yes." I smiled sweetly. "Born and raised in London."

"So you're a transfer from Hogwarts?" she asked. "I've heard so much about Hogwarts. We all learn about England and the wizarding world over there. It's the must famous one. Though I heard you don't want to be sending your children to school with any of Harry Potter's blood relatives."

I bit back a laugh at her comment and she tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm sorry." I smiled. "I mean, you're not wrong. He's my uncle."

"Your– oh."

"Yeah... well not by blood. He married my dad's younger sister many years ago." I told her as food started appearing on the tables.

"Must be great." Vanessa told me. "Having a celebrity in the family. I'm from the Silverthorn family. We're of pureblood but some rich families think we're a disgrace to the wizarding world. Calls us blood traitors."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head while everyone, including us started eating the food in front of us on the tables.

"I hate those kind of people." I told her. "My family's the same. I've had to experience a lot of rude remarks from more rich families because we home in London live in a flat above my dad and uncles shop."

It was weird that I just met this girl and we already had stuff in common. I also felt like we were gonna be great friends and I found myself feeling relieved. I was going to have friends here apart from my siblings.

"So are you a sixth year?" I asked and she looked at me, nodding.

"Are you?"


"And your siblings? I'll take it they are your siblings. The two boys and one girl who stood with you." she said.

"Yeah. The one with the brown curls is my twin brother, the girl is my older sister and the last boy is my younger brother." I said. "We've got two more but my older brother graduated this year and our younger sister is only nine."

"Oh you have a big family as well?" she said with a huge smile. "I've got eight siblings. We're eight girls and one boy who's in Pukwudgie too. He's sitting over there."

She nodded towards a boy sitting not far from where we were. He had brown hair that went to under his ear and his hair was full of curls. His eyes were bright blue and he had a very defined jawline and a sweet smile.

"His name is Brandon." Vanessa told me. "He's a seventh year, making him seventeen years old. Then we have Stephanie. She's our older sister and she's twenty-five. Nicole is twenty-one. Danielle is nineteen. Alyssa is fourteen. Kayla is twelve. Amber is eight and the youngest is Michelle who's two."

"He's the only boy." I nodded slowly. "Must suck."

"It sure does." she laughed. "He complains about it all the time."

I laughed along with her for a moment.

"My dad's siblings group is basically the same. Growing up they were seven kids. The youngest was a girl but everyone else were boys."

"That's the quite opposite." Vanessa chuckled. "The girl must've been a badass."

"She's... something."

"Are their names as basic as my family's?" she questioned with a playful roll of her eyes.

"Well–" I breathed. "The oldest is my Uncle Bill. He's really William but he's always just been called Bill. Charles is the next one, though we call him Charlie. Percy is Percy. Then there's Fred and George Weasley. George is my dad. Ronald is Ron and lastly Ginevra who is called Ginny."

Vanessa nodded and swallowed the food she had been chewing.

"Alright. Not as basic as my family." she smiled. "Though I suppose those names are more traditional when it comes to Britain."

After the meal, Vanessa showed me up to our common room while we talked about everything on our minds. We found out we were sharing a dorm with three other girls and after all, Ilvermorny seemed like a great place, though I couldn't forget Hogwarts and I was going to come back and finish my education there in a years time.

Hogwarts was and will always be my home.


Well this has been a rollercoaster. That was the last real chapter. Now we only need the Epilogue which will be out tomorrow sometime. At least I hope I can get it out tomorrow. I'm planning on making it to be absolutely perfect but my older sister is visiting so maybe I have time to write and maybe I don't.

Also, I think I'm starting to get sick so...

We'll see.

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