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Lizzie's P.O.V

"You were stuck in the past like a ghost and came back when you did a certain task?" George asked. "That doesn't even make sense."

"No, George. It doesn't." Fred agreed. "I'm only telling you what I experienced but that doesn't mean I understand it."

"And your task was to keep Lizzie from dying?"

"I think it was that and making sure Adrian died." he explained. "Now, does anyone want to fill me in on what has happened while I was... dead. What did I miss?"

"Well..." Bill said. "You missed the birth of your child."

"My what?"

"Deanne was pregnant when you died." I said. "You have a daughter."

Fred stared at me without blinking before he broke into laughter. I looked up at George. He was standing next to me, a hand on my waist.

"You're lying." Fred laughed.

"Her name is Lexi." Molly told him. "She's a lovely girl and seeing her grow up was like seeing you grow up. Deanne has got loads of letters throughout the years because she's pranking Mr Filch."

"I uh... I need to process that." he said and rubbed his face.

"Of course, dear." Molly said and rubbed his shoulder. "Why don't we all go up to the cafeteria and get some food."

When we started making our way towards the door, Fred's voice stopped us. "George, Lizzie, can you stay?"

"Of course." I responded. Everyone else left but George and I stayed and closed the door before approaching Fred again.

"You've seen her grow up, I believe." he said. "Tell me about her."

I sat down on the edge of his bed while George sat in the chair next to it. He gestured for me to speak. This was probably hardest on him. Seeing that his twin brother had come back to life after eighteen years.

"Well, her full name is Lexi Genesis Weasley." I said. "Deanne made sure she had your last name. She was born on February twelfth the year after the war and when she started Hogwarts in two-thousand and ten, she was sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Just like Deanne." he smiled. "So she's in Hufflepuff, yet she's a prankster."

"Well, she's calmed down a bit when it comes to her pranks." I said. "After all she's in her final year."

"What does she want to do after?"

"She want to work at the shop." George spoke. "I've already said yes."

"It has always been her dream to work in the place her father worked." I said. "She's actually really close to George. He's the one who's been telling the most stories about you. Both to Lexi but also our own children."

"Your own children?" Fred asked. "You managed to get pregnant again?"

"Five times." I chuckled.

"You had five kids?!" Fred exclaimed, eyes wide. George and I exchanged a glance and now he was smiling.

"We had six." George said. "The third pregnancy was twins."

"Wow." he muttered. "Six kids! Go ahead. Introduce them. Tell me about my nephews and nieces."

"Okay." I said, adjusting the way I sat. "The oldest one is named after you. Fred Weasley the second. We had him on Augusts nineteenth in ninety-nine. He's got red hair, he's got a few freckles and he's just as sweet as George, though he tends to enjoy annoying his sister, Roxanne Elizabeth Weasley. She's our second child. We had her the year after on August seventh. She has my brown hair, though a bit lighter."

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