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George's P.O.V

Hearing my daughter scream on the other end of the phone was one of the most chilling things I have ever heard. Goosebumps rose on my skin as I held the phone pressed against my ear. My eyes were wide and my breathing had gone heavy with fear.

"George?" Liz muttered half-asleep next to me. "George, love, why are you up?"

"Go back to sleep." I told her as I got out of bed. I let the phone fall onto the bed before I quickly got dressed and then went to wake up Sammy. I had no idea where his twin sister was but I knew she had never been at her best friend's house.

I quickly made my way up the stairs and entered Sammy's room. He was sleeping in his bed while his older brother Fred slept in his own bed in the other end of the room. I turned on the lights and Sammy stirred awake, rubbing his eyes before he propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me. "Dad... what the hell."

"She's not with Emery." I said. "Where is Vivi?"

"What?" he muttered and sat up. "She said she was gonna visit Em. She should be there."

"I just got a call from her. She was beside herself, talking about someone who was going to kill her." I said. "Do you have any idea who she's talking about? You two have always told each other everything."

"George, what's going on?" Liz joined me in the door to the room as Fred now also started to wake up. "George, it's four in the morning."

"Sammy!" I snapped. "Something has been going on, am I right? Something we're not aware of."

"Well..." he frowned. "She's had this boyfriend since February. She started showing up with bruises on her body and her face and we wanted to tell you but she didn't."

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment to not start yelling at my son. Then I looked at him. "So Vivi has been in a relationship with a boy who has been hitting her for months and you decided to keep that from us because she didn't want you to tell us? Who is this guy?"

"Luke Parkinson."

"Parkinson?" mum asked.

"Parkinson?" I asked the same question. "She's with Pansy Parkinson's son?"

I looked at Liz who now looked just as terrified as I felt. "Stay here. I'm gonna go get her before he harms her."

I hurried back downstairs to find my wand and I apparated to the Parkinson palace as quickly as possible. The castle was dark during this time at night and it was so big that I had no idea how to find my daughter but I had to find her. I had no idea was was going on, what he was doing to her but she was obviously scared out of her mind and I had to get her home with her family where she belonged.

As I approached the palace with quick steps, someone suddenly apparated in front of me and I stopped when I saw my two sons, Fred and Sammy with my own brother... Fred.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed. "You decided it was a good idea to bring my sons here?!"

"What? I have no idea what's going on." my brother claimed. "These two woke me up and ordered me to apparate them here."

I looked at my sons. "You two are going home."

"No we're not." Sammy argued. "We know Luke and we know he's been hurting her for months. We're here to help and you can't make us go home."

"You're gonna scare the shit out of your mother." I sighed. "Just don't do anything stupid and stay behind me. We don't know what he's capable of."

As we approached the castle, faint screaming hit my ears and suddenly Sammy just started running towards the door, showing that he had heard it too.

"Sammy!" I yelled as I sped up. He pulled his wand and shot a spell at the door, making it open before he entered and I lost him from my sight. "Fuck!"

Fred junior started running too, following his brother inside and I then felt Fred grab my arm, causing me to look at him.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Who was that? Who screamed?"

"Vivi called me." I said through the tears that was forming in my eyes. I then ripped my arm out of my grip and Fred followed me as I ran to the door. We stood in a dark foyer and I knew something was wrong. There was a trail of blood on the stairs, plus some at the end of it. A wand was on the floor near an open door to a bathroom. It wasn't Vivi's wand. "Please tell me that's not blood."

Fred walked over and crouched near it, then looked at me. "It's blood."

I cursed under my breath as I rushed to the open door to the bathroom I had noticed. Trail of blood...

In the middle of the blood was the phone I had given her. It was still on call with my phone that I left on the bed at home.

"Oh my god." I whispered as I felt myself get dizzy. "Where is she?"

I was terrified. Nothing can explain the fear of seeing so much blood after getting such a frightening call from your daughter. I had no idea whether she was alive or if she was dead. I had no idea if I was going to be attending a funeral or if I could get my daughter home.

The castle was silent. We had heard a scream when we stood outside but now it was all silent and I didn't know where to start looking for her.

Genevieve's P.O.V

Luke had gotten the door open, threw his wand aside before he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me out of the bathroom, causing me to drop the phone while I screamed for him to stop. He dragged me across the floor, saying nothing. The only sound was me and my screaming mixed with cries.

When we reached the dining room, he let go of me and let me lie on the floor, bleeding from the wounds that had been opened again from him throwing me down the stairs and dragging me across the floor. I tried getting up but I just felt so weak and exhausted that I stayed on the floor while Luke walked over to the cabinet that had his mum's alcohol. He poured himself a glass of fire whiskey, then walked back to me and looked down at me as he drank all of it. Next thing I knew, he threw the glass next to me and is shattered. I didn't even flinch. I just stared up at him.

"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? Get you all nice and beautiful again so we can enjoy these last days before you go home. And we only have six months before I graduate and then we can't see each other every day. C'mon, baby. I want it to go back to normal."

He crouched down and ran his thumb across my tear stained cheek. He cupped my cheek and this whole time, we held eye contact. I was crying and he was... smiling.

Sammy's P.O.V

"Sammy." Fred called from another room. "Sammy!"

I ran to the room where my older brother stood. It was a bedroom. The bed wasn't made so this was probably where her and Luke had stayed. Fred stood by a door that led to a room and light was coming from that room. I joined him by the side and I felt like I was going to throw up at the sight.

There was a big pool of blood that trailed to a smaller pool of blood. The mirror above the sink was shattered and most of the broken pieces were covered in blood too. In the middle of the blood was ripped off pieces of a picture and a broken frame. Though I recognised the broken frame. It was the one that had contained that picture of Vivi and Simon that I knew she loved so much.

I wasn't stupid. She had feelings for him and she had felt things for him for a while. She was my twin sister so of course I knew when she liked someone and I knew this whole time that she didn't feel any real things for Luke.

"Is that..." Fred said, pointing at some white stuff that sticked to the marble floor near the blood and as a guy, I knew what it was.

Luke had raped her.

"I'm going to kill him." I said. "I am literally going to kill him. I don't care if I'll go to Azkaban for the rest of my life. I will kill that motherfucker. I'll rip his fucking throat out."

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