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The story is almost finished and from here on, everything will go up hill instead of down.


A few days passed where a lot of things happened. Grandpa went to the ministry to get the permission for mum to use dark magic on uncle Fred. They were already aware of Adrian's return and the kidnapping of my siblings and I so getting permission shouldn't be that hard.

Mum and Uncle Fred was practising if you could say that. Right now they were researching methods, different curses because they have no idea what curse this Snape person used on dad back then and dad... he had been the one to take care of my siblings and I in these past days where mum was busy.

Lexi was helping the two and it seemed that she was starting to form a bond with her father which I had noticed Aunt Deanne smile over.

I had always found the whole situation odd. Aunt Deanne and my mum were cousins but my dad's brother was my uncle, meaning his kid was both my cousin but also my great-cousins daughter. It was hard to figure out but I had always just known her as my cousin which its exactly what she is. I've also always known Deanne as my aunt, though she isn't really my aunt.

Yesterday McGonagall paid us a visit with the exams we needed to finish whatever year the five of us were in. She said it would be a waste if we had to go back a year because of something we couldn't control so we took our exams and we all passed, meaning that I will start my sixth year wherever mum and dad decide for us to move for a little while when all this is over.

It's July 8th, meaning that in three days, I'll turn sixteen. Sixteen years old. Wow. And to think I almost ended it all a little over a week ago. I really regret it because now I see hope. Now that I know we can save my Uncle and get rid of Adrian for good, I know that there's hope for the future. My family can be happy again.

"What're you doing down here, kiddo?" a familiar voice suddenly came from behind me. I turned around and gasped with a smile spreading on my face before I threw my arms around Uncle Emmett. He laughed, hugging me back tightly. "I thought you loved Quidditch, yet you're down here while they're up there."

We pulled apart and I followed his eyes up to where Freddie, Roxanne, Sammy, Bryson, Uncle Charlie and Uncle Bill were all playing Quidditch together. This was the first time in a while that our family could have fun like that.

"I haven't played for a long time." I told Uncle Emmett. "After everything, I jut don't find it fun anymore. It's the same with songwriting."

"Oi, you write songs? I didn't know that." he nudged me with his shoulder. "Listen, kiddo. Everything sucks right now and it has for the last year but you're a strong girl. You'll get through it and one day you'll find happiness in things again."

"You really think so?" I questioned and he nodded, smiling widely as he watched the game that happened above us in the air.

"I know so." he assured me. "You should probably go say hi to Bash. He's inside and I know he's been very worried about you lately."

"He's here too?" I asked. Uncle Emmett nodded and I hurried past him and inside to find Uncle Bash hug my mum.

"There she is." mum smiled and Uncle Bash looked at me before pulling me in for a warm hug. I hugged back, closing my eyes.

I loved how close I was with my family. Especially my uncles and aunts. The ones I were closest to were Uncle Bash, Emmett, Bill, Charlie and Ron. Also, Aunt Kathy, Fleur, Hermione and Ginny.

"How're you?" Uncle Bash asked and pulled back, resting his hands on my shoulders so he could look at me. "What did you do to your hair?"

"Oh.. Lu– I cut it." I said, not wanting to bring Luke up right now. I didn't want to have to explain it all again, unless he already knew from mum or something.

"Well–" Uncle Bash nodded. "It suits you. Don't you think Betsy?"

"Of course it does." mum agreed. "Makes you look older."


Sometimes they talked to me like I was a little child. I was turning sixteen in a couple days. I was actually very excited about that. I don't know why but I feel like there is this big transition from being fifteen and going over to be sixteen. It seems like a big difference and I couldn't be more excited to hit that new milestone in my life.

My eyes scanned the room as my younger cousins Aubree and Kara were sitting with my dad on the sofa, telling him something that seemed to excite them very much. Aubree turned eleven at the end of May, meaning she'll be starting Hogwarts in about two months. Kara on the other hand is two years younger but she was born on September 6th so she'll have to wait an additional year before it's her turn. Three years from now she'll be nearly twelve and starting Hogwarts as well.

Uncle Bash and Uncle Emmett have been together for many years. They both met while playing Quidditch professionally and while Emmett is still a professional player, Uncle Bash once decided to stay as a professor at Hogwarts.

Gay marriage didn't get legal in Britain until 2004 and they got married as soon as it did become legal. They then adopted Aubree while she was still in the womb of her biological mum and that was in 2006. Then with Kara they used a surrogacy, meaning that she's biologically related to one of them. They decided they didn't want to know which one but I reckon it's Uncle Emmett as I think she looks like him a little bit.

With the flash of green fire, grandpa suddenly stepped through the fireplace, earning everyone's attention. Grandma came out from the kitchen, placing a hand on my shoulder as she stood between uncle Bash and I, waiting for grandpa to speak.

"Look what I've got!" he said and raised a piece of parchment into the air. "I've got the permission!"

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now