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Lizzie's P.O.V

"Are you hurt? Does it hurt?" I asked through my tears while checking his face and patting his chest to check for any injuries the failed curse could've done.


"T-They can't lose their— you can't be hurt." I said through a sob. "I'm so sorry I couldn't have—"

"Liz!" George raised his voice only to get my attention, and when I looked at his face, he placed a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a short kiss. "I'm fine, my love."

I nodded slowly, then wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.

"What if he hurts them?" I cried. "I don't understand why he want to ruin our lives."

"Listen to me, love." He whispered as he rubbed my back while just holding me. "You told me Fred knew where he had taken them. If I know my brother right, he will go get Harry and also Ron because he's got experience. They're gonna get our children back and then we are going to go away for a while. Yeah?"

"Go away?" I sobbed and pulled away to look at him.

"Not permanently but just so that our family can heal." He said, pushing some hair behind my ear. "Maybe to the states, maybe Australia. Somewhere with a wizarding school so they can continue their education."

I nodded, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"That— that sounds wonderful."

"It does, doesn't it?" He forced a small smile to try and comfort me. "Let's get you up to bed. When you wake up, I am sure the children will be down here, laughing while playing card games."

I nodded again and he wrapped an arm around my waist as he led me upstairs and into the room.

When I got into bed, George sat on the edge and ran his hand over my forehead and into my hair repeatedly.

"You don't have to be strong for me." I whispered as I held his other hand. "You've always done that. You don't have to do that. They're your children too."

"I know." He smiled softly and wiped my cheeks from the tears that kept spilling from my eyes. "They'll be okay, Liz. They're okay."

George's P.O.V

I watched as Lizzie's eyes started to close. She was exhausted from everything that had happened today. From seeing her father grab our daughter to seeing him use the killing curse on me and then finding out he had taken all of our children.

He had all six of our children. He had Fred junior, he had Roxanne, he had my twins and my two youngest. My thirteen year old son and my nine year old daughter.


Lizzie's breathing changed. She had completed passed out now from exhaustion and I decided to stay. She had a death grip on my hand and even though she was now sleeping, she wasn't letting go. I didn't want her to wake up if I left and honestly I couldn't get myself to leave her alone.

I was scared of the situation. I kept thinking about my children, where they were and if they were okay.

When Adrian had kidnapped Lizzie back then, she was sexually assaulted by one of his "workers" and the thought of any of my children experiencing that, made me want to throw up. The thought of Vivi experiencing it again.

If they come home and I find out he has touched them or if anyone working with him has. I'll find him and I'll kill him for ever laying a hand on my family.

"Georgie, dear." I looked up to see mum in the doorway with a cup of tea. "How is she doing?"

"She's asleep." I said and ran a hand over my tired face. Mum came over and handed me the tea before I thanked her. "She's terrified. We both are."

I kept holding Lizzie's hand as I used the other hand to guide the cup up to my lips.

"You two have been through so much already." Mum sighed.

"It's like Lord Voldemort all over again." I said. "He keeps coming back and I—"

My face dropped when a thought crossed my mind.

"What if he has created a horcrux like Voldemort did?" I asked and looked up at my mum. Worry flashed past her eyes but then she shook her head.

"No. Don't think like that." She said. "I'm sure he just used polyjuice on the man that Lizzie killed."

"I don't know, mum." I sighed. "Wouldn't the polyjuice stop working if the person died? She stabbed him and basically cut him open. The potion would leave his system."

"But a horcrux? George... only two people have known to make one." She said. "Herpo the Foul and Lord Voldemort."

"And this guy, Adrian worked close with Voldemort. He would know how to make them." I said. "If he did make a horcrux, what do you think it is?"

Mum shook her head again.

"I don't know, dear. Try to not focus on that right now." She said and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "You stay and make sure Lizzie gets the sleep she needs. We'll all be downstairs."

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