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May 27th of 2017

"So this disorder—" I spoke. "Can you explain it a little further? It confuses me."

"Uh—" he let out a heavy breath. We both sat against the wall after I had tired to comfort him. I hated myself for feeling bad for him. He was going through stuff but I couldn't forget what he did to me. "Well the symptoms are rage, irritability, increased energy, racing thoughts, tingling, tremors, palpitations and chest tightness. That's the symptoms leading up to a fit but then there's temper tantrums, tirades, heated arguments, shouting, slapping, shoving, pushing. Physical fights, property damage. Threatening or assaulting people or animals in any kind of way."

He ran a hand through his hair before leaning his head back against the wall.

"I wish I could take my medicine again." He said in a whisper. "It feels like I'm losing control over my own mind and I'm scared of having another fit because I'm scared of hurting anyone. You. I'm so scared of hurting you again."

"Luke." I sighed, closing my eyes. "Where was all of this last year? You had so much time to explain this to me. What about the trial? You could've said it there and my mum would have made sure you got the help you need plus protection."

He shook his head.

"You don't understand, Genevieve. This man... if I didn't do what he said. He would kill me and my mum."

"But if you told Shacklebolt about all of this you would've gotten protection!" I argued.

"The ministry can't keep me safe from him." He scoffed. "He's got so many tricks up his sleeve."

"But— the way you looked at me during the trial." I said. "Looked like you wanted to kill me."

"I did—" he admitted. "At the time. It was the anger. I was angry because I was going to Azkaban but when I calmed down, I realized I deserved it."

He turned his head and looked at me. I shortly glanced at him, then looked down at the cuff around my ankle.

"So— our relationship was all a lie?" I asked. "You were told to get close to me?"

"No." He shook his head. "I approached you because I wanted to. I thought you were gorgeous, I loved your red hair and your smile and when we started seeing each other, I was so happy."

"But you didn't want to be seen with me then because I was a filthy Weasley girl?"

He cursed under his breath, his eyes going back to staring into the room.

"I did say that, didn't I?" He breathed. "I don't have any explanation to that. That wasn't him and that wasn't my diagnosis."

"Filthy Weasley girl." I muttered.

"But I fell in love with you, Vivi." He hurried to say. "I fell so hard and the anger took over when I saw you talk to fucking Simon Jordan. I'm sorry for my controlling behavior. I'm sorry for all the jealousy I took out on you."

"When did he find you?" I asked and decided to ignore his apology. "The man?"

"During the summer." He told me. "Between the last school year and this one. He told me he knew who my father was, then told me he wanted to get his hands on you and if I didn't help him, he'd kill my mum and I. That's when he took my medicine from me and forced me to stop therapy which was one of the other things that helped a little with the anger."

I scooted away from him, his eyes following me before he looked down.

"He wanted you to be weak when it was time to get you. That's why I had to make sure you stopped eating and to make sure you threw up. I had to treat you so poorly but I really didn't want to. I hated myself. I still do."

Suddenly steps approached and a figure appeared in the door to the cellar. I gulped and Luke moved closer to me which I barely even noticed because I was focused on this person I didn't know who was.

"Remember." Luke's voice whispered in my ear. "Don't talk back to him. Just do what he says and answer his questions. Then I'm sure he won't hurt you."

I shook my head frantically.

"I'm only fifteen. Why—"

"Lucas." The man spoke, his voice chill and cold. "What did I tell you about communicating with the prisoner."

"I'm sorry sir." Luke quickly stood up. I wanted to pull his hand and make him stay down here with me, even though I hated the things he had done to me, even though I didn't feel safe with him.

"Genevieve." The man said after Luke had stepped back into the dark while the man stepped forwards, revealing his face.

He looked to be around his sixties. He was tall and his hair was dark brown with some grey by the roots that showed his aging. His eyes were brown. The same kind of brown as my mum.

Mostly, he looked a lot like Uncle Bash, just older and a different hair color.

I was crying again. Crying of fear.

"Please let me go home." I begged. "I want to go home."

"I'm sure you do." He said. "Lucas. Bring her to the main room."

Then he turned back around and walked out of the cellar. Luke came back, crouching in front of me as he fumbled with unlocking the cuff.

"Your mum was held captive down here with her brother when they were kidnapped." He said and glanced up at my eyes to see my reaction.

"What?" I whimpered. "That's not... he's dead."

Luke bit onto his bottom lip and managed to get the cuff off before helping me up.

"Don't show him your fear." He whispered as he wrapped his hand around my upper arm and led me out. "And stay quiet unless he asks you a question."

"Luke—" I whispered. "Help me get out of here. Help me get home. Please."

He didn't respond.

He gulped harshly but he didn't respond.

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