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Genevieve's P.O.V

I gasped for air and slid down the wall with tears spilling from my eyes once Luke let go. I grasped onto my throat. I didn't know why, I just did while looking up at Luke.

"Fuck." He cursed, covering his face for a moment before he crouched by me. "I'm sorry, Vivi. I don't—"

"Get away from her you fucking lunatic!" My older brother yelled across the room but as result, Adrian kicked him in the stomach and I cried out for him to stop when my brother curled into a ball and groaned in pain.

Sammy was unconscious, bleeding from his head as he had hit the wall and Roxanne was sitting by him, making sure he was okay. Bryson was with Ronnie, holding her.

"I'm so sorry." Luke whispered, shocking a few fingers over my cheekbone. "I didn't mean to— I don't— fuck please don't think I wanted to kill you. I don't want to—"

"Lucas." Adrian called. "Get away from the girl."

"She's hurting. She needs—"

"Now!" He roared and Luke's face went pale with fear. His eyes searched mine for a moment before he stood up and walked over to stand behind Adrian.

I looked around at all of my siblings, wishing I could do something to get them out of here. Even if it meant sacrificing myself. Maybe he would let them go if I let him kill me.

"What do you want?" I cried as I laid on the floor. I felt so powerless. As if all the strength had left my body.

"What I want?" Adrian's voice filled the room. "I want your mothers life."

"No!" Roxanne exclaimed immediately. "You're gonna leave our mother alone! She doesn't deserve any of this! None of us do!"

"You should stop fighting it so much." He said. "Surrender and you can live your lives with me. I am your grandfather and unlike your parents,  I have money to support all of you. All you have to do is say the words."

Fred managed to get up from the floor and crawled over to me, making sure I was okay. He checked my head, then my neck before he just sat with me.

"What words?" I asked.

"Ask me to kill your mother." He shrugged. "Then you'll be orphans and I can become your guardian."

As he finished speaking, an explosion sounded and I immediately covered my head while Fred tried to protect me as well.

After a moment, we both removed our hands from our heads so we could look at what was happening.

Adrian was unconscious on the floor and Luke was hurt, lying there while grasping onto his leg. Uncle Fred, Uncle Ron and Uncle Harry stood in the door, all breathing heavily.

Ronnie first got up and ran crying to Uncle Ron who picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around waist.

"C'mon kiddos." Uncle Fred gestured for the rest of us to come with them.

"We'll get you home." Uncle Harry said. "It's all over."

Fred tried to get me with him when he and the rest of our siblings joined our uncles but instead I ran to Luke.

"Are you okay?" I asked, then saw the blood coming from his leg. "Oh fuck."

"Genevieve." Uncle Ron called. "C'mon."

"We need to bring Luke!" I said as I looked at him. My three uncles looked at each other and my siblings exchanged looks as if I was crazy.

"Are you out of your mind?" Uncle Fred asked. "That boy treated you like an object for months and works together with your mum's father who killed my brother, your dad."

"Stop!" I cried. "No! It's not Luke's fault. He didn't have a choice. Please. He'll explain everything but we can't leave him here with him. He's going to kill him. Please."

Uncle Fred looked at Uncle Harry and Uncle Ron.

"Get the children out of here. Vivi and I will follow behind in a moment."

Uncle Harry grabbed onto Bryson and Roxanne's hands, apparating out of here while Uncle Ron put Ronnie down and got her and Fred with him to where Sammy laid.

"His head." He muttered and placed a hand on Sammy's arm before extending his own arm to Ronnie and Fred. Once they grabbed it, the four of them disappeared too and Uncle Fred approached me, crouching down next to me.

"Vivi. We can't—"

"I am not abandoning him!" I interrupted. "I haven't forgotten and I certainly have not forgiven what he did to me but he's sick and hasn't taken his meds because Adrian took them from him. It's not his fault and he needs our help."

Uncle Fred looked at me for a while, then looked at Luke.

"Fuck, okay. Why did you have to inherit your dad's big heart." He said and shook his head, his jaw tense from the mention of my dad.

I couldn't believe we were going home and I wasn't gonna see him. My dad was dead. My dad...

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