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Another chapter? I must be a guardian angel. Jk... enjoy!... or not


As Luke walked me to Muggle studies, he had suddenly pulled me with him inside of a broom closet where he closed the door and then kissed me roughly.

I kissed him back but the lump in my throat wouldn't go away. He grabbed my hands and pinned them against the wall. My eyes were squeezed closed while kissing him and I tried forcing my brain to go to a happy place to try and shut out what I knew was going to happen.

He wedged his knee in between my legs to part them and suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my wrist when he wrapped his hand around it.

I flinched and let out a whimper, breaking the kiss. Luke looked at my face, then flicked his eyes to my wrist and grabbed it hardly.

"Luke, don't—"

He pulled up the sleeve roughly, not caring that it hurt. His eyes landed on the newly made cuts and then he laughed. "Wow! That's impressive."

His eyes flicked back up to meet mine and the grin never left his face.

"So what? You're a self-harmer now?" He asked. "You like the pain, eh?"

He pushed into his pocket and I watched as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I knew of his bad habits of smoking but now? Didn't seem like the moment.

"Are you goth now?" He laughed. "Or is it simply because of the attention?"

He dropped my arm dramatically but grabbed my jaw instead. "I'll show you some fucking pain."

Then I realized what he had in mind. I pushed him in the chest, causing him to drop the lighter and cigarette. "Get away from me you psychopath!"

I tried making a run for it but before I could reach the door, he stepped in front of me and slammed his hand against the wall next to my head.

"What did you call me?"

Be brave, Vivi.

"Psychopath." I repeated and immediately, he stepped back so he could slap me across the face. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the sting in my skin as I looked at him again. "Psychopath."

He slapped me again.


And again.

"You enjoy it, don't you?" He asked. "Me slapping you? You enjoy the pain. Just like you enjoy the pain when you cut yourself. Why do you cut yourself, Vivi?"

"That's none of your business." I spat and earned another slap to my cheek.

"When do you learn to keep quiet, Genevieve?" He asked. "All you need to do is shut up and this wouldn't be happening to you."

He picked up the things he dropped on the ground and pulled out a cigarette, placing it between his lips. His eyes burned into mine while he lit the cigarette, then put the lighter on a shelf. He inhaled sharply, his eyes rolling back into his scull and as he removed the cigarette from his lips, he stepped closer and leaned down, his head close to mine.

He exhaled the smoke straight into my face, then opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Give me your wrist."


"You heard me."

He grabbed the wrist that had the cuts and I stared at him in shock as he moved the cigarette closer to my arm.

"Please don't." I started crying. "Luke, I'll do anything. Please don't—"

A loud cry came from my mouth when he pressed the lit end of the cigarette to my skin right under the cuts. It hurt like hell. I couldn't even start to explain the pain.

It felt like I was being set on fire. The burning sensation spread through the area of my wrist and then he removed it to inhale from it again.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried. "What the fuck did I ever do to you?"

"I thought you liked the pain, baby." He said and inhaled again.

I unclenched my fist but as soon as he pressed the cigarette to my skin again, I clenched it again and cried into the room.

"You're being dramatic." He told me and twisted the cigarette on my wrist to put it out. He put the cigarette back in it's package and then looked at me. "Don't talk to me like that again. I don't appreciate it."

He pushed the cigarettes and lighter into his pocket and then he left, slamming the door behind him.

Crying, I slid down the wall until I sat on the floor. I rested my arm in my lap. It was hurting so badly. There was a stripe of seven cuts on my wrist and below it was the two circular burn marks.

All I could do was cry and beg for god to help me. Beg for him to send someone to help.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now