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April 30th of 2017

"Why haven't they caught him yet?" dad asked out of frustration as he talked to mum in the kitchen. That had become the usual lets-talk-about-Genevieve spot and it was annoying me. I hated that they thought I couldn't hear them when they decided to talk about me. Hated that I couldn't bring myself to tell them that I could hear every single word. I also hated that I couldn't bring myself to leave the room. Instead I stayed and listened as I always did.

"I don't know, love." mum responded. "I try and keep in touch with Harry but he's busy helping the other aurors hunt him down. The hit-wizards and hit-witches has been called on the case too to try and help. They're thinking they'll catch him easier and faster with more people searching."

"It's been over a month, Lizzie." dad said with a sigh. "Our little girl is stuck here because she can't be safe in the world she is supposed to be safe in."

"I know, Georgie." mum sounded like she was about to cry. "Look at me. It's going to be okay."

"I'm just so tired." dad was now crying and when I heard a sob from mum, I felt like I was gonna cry as well. "I can't keep her safe. I can't keep anyone safe."

Later that night when I couldn't sleep, I had walked out of the room I was staying in and as I passed the door to mum, dad and Uncle Fred's room, I could hear mum crying. It wasn't the calm kind of crying. She was full on sobbing, trying to get words out and I heard my name being thrown in there. Then I had heard dad and Uncle Fred both trying to comfort her.

My hands gripped onto the railing and I stepped up as I looked out over the ground floor of the Burrow. There was a great distance down and for a moment, I caught myself wondering if it would hurt if I jumped. Would I feel it? Would I survive or would I die as soon as I hit the ground. Maybe if I hit the right angle.

"What are you doing?"

My eyes widened and I quickly turned around, getting down from the railing to see Uncle Charlie standing by the bathroom door. His bedroom was on the first floor but there wasn't a bathroom there so he had to use the one on the second floor.


I didn't know how to explain that. Everyone knew how vulnerable I was from everything that happened so me standing on a railing and looking down can't have looked good.

"I swear that's not—"

Uncle Charlie raised his eyebrows at me before nodding towards the stairs. "Dining room. We're talking about this. Go."

I nervously chewed on my bottom lip as I made my way down the stairs, followed by my Uncle. I sat down by the dining table and he sat across from me with a sigh.

"Do you know what that looked like to me?"

"No." I muttered, looking down at my hands. I knew exactly what it looked like.

"I'm gonna tell you a story." He proceeded to say without answering his own question. "And it is going to be rough but you need to listen because you will realize the damage it will leave when you proceed with something like that."

I quickly glanced up at him but hurried to look at my hands again when I saw his stern look.

"A long time ago, something happened. The world feel apart around our family and our nearest friends." He started explaining. "Your parents lost family and a loss like that is hard to process. Your mother helped your father through his grief but she completely forgot about herself."

I know where this is going.

"Six years after the war and your dad felt better. He was still missing his other half and life would never be the same but your mum... she hadn't gotten the opportunity to grief. She didn't want to ruin it when your dad finally started getting better. They had five kids, their youngest was a year... Bryson. Your mother was so blinded by her depression that she just didn't care."

Please don't tell me this.

"One day your dad walked into the basement of the shop and his whole world fell apart. He saw his wife, the mother of his children and his best friends since eleven years old, hanging from a rope in the ceiling. She had been hanging there long enough for her to be unconscious and he successfully got her down but he was panicking. He needed to get her to a hospital but he had five kids at home and knew he couldn't leave them be alone, seeing as the oldest was five years old." He told me. I had heard the story before and I absolutely hated it. "At the same time, I was in Romania and I got this odd feeling. The same feeling I got when my younger brother died. I knew something was wrong and somehow, my broom led me to your home. Your dad was screaming through his tears and four of his kids stood in the shop, listening to it because they didn't know what was happening or why their dad was acting in such an odd way. I saw my sister-in-law on that floor with a rope on the floor and burn marks from it on her neck. I have known her since she was a baby. I remember your grandma having to watch her for a few hours some night when her own parents had to go out on a date. I remember that little baby, though I was four or five at the time."

"Uncle Char—"

"I saw her lifeless body, not knowing if she was going to be okay." He said. "And my brother was crying, screaming. He was panicking and crying out for me to help him so I did what I knew I needed to do. I managed to calm him down and tell him to apparate to the hospital while I would take care of his children. My brother had already lost his twin and now he was sure he was going to lose his wife as well but he didn't and thank god he didn't. Thank god your mother is still here."

"I already know that story." I said and looked at him. "Mum told it to us."

"Then you know that she's happy she didn't die." He told me. "I'm not gonna tell your parents what I saw up there because they are already full of worry but Genevieve Blakey Weasley, you will promise me to never take your own life. Don't try it. If you ever get he thoughts, come to me, talk to me, vent to me. I don't care what time of day it is. I will listen because the last thing I want is to lose my niece and for my brother to lose his daughter. We already almost lost you once."

Then I started crying and Uncle Charlie hurried over to hug me.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Nothing is wrong with you, Vivi." He told me. "I know things are hard right now and you don't have access to your therapist but these feelings you have are happening in a lot of people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Just promise me you will never commit suicide."

He brushed some hair out of my face and I nodded slowly. "I promise."

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