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Meanwhile at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Lizzie's P.O.V

My heart was racing as we apparated onto the hallways of St Mungos. I was holding George's hand and I was not planning to let go.

How could this be real? We got this letter and... this couldn't be real. It was impossible. Eighteen years... how could he be alive after eighteen years?

"If this is some kind of sick joke, I'm suing." I told George as we together made our way down the hallway to the reception. He gave my hand a squeeze but he stayed silent.

"Hi, how can I help you?" the lady in the reception asked with a smile, looking up at us from behind the desk.

"We were told that uh.. that Fred Weasley is here." I said, nervously tapping my fingers against the surface in wrong of me. The lady nodded and pressed her wand to a piece of paper. Meanwhile, I looked up at George. His head was turned another way as he looked at the many injured people in the waiting room. People with their hands coming out of their chest, people with green liquid pouring out of their mouths.

"Fred Weasley." the lady spoke. "Why don't you follow me? I'll take you to him."

She stood up and started leading the way to the elevators. George and I followed her, our hands never leaving each other. I was scared of what we were going to see. It couldn't possibly be Fred. I sat with him in my arms eighteen years ago, I cried and I mourned over him. I killed my father because he killed Fred.

"You must be very excited." the lady said with a small when we stood in the elevator. "I sure would be if it was my brother who rose from his grave."

I looked up at George again. He tensed his jaw at her comment. His eyes were focused straight ahead on the elevator door. When I squeezed his hand, he looked at me and I sent him a comforting smile while mouthing 'it'll be okay'

When we reached the second floor, the lady walked out and we followed her. We continued down multiple hallways before we saw Molly and Arthur.

"George! Lizzie!" Molly said with a huge smile, though her eyes were full of tears.

"This is it." the lady smiled and I thanked her before she made her way back towards the elevators. Molly hugged us each while Arthur just looked through the window to the hospital room.

"Is it him?" George asked while hugging his mother.

"Yes." she said, pulling away to look at him. I walked over to the window and as soon as my eyes landed on him, I felt dizzy. I had to grab onto the window sill to not fall over. He was sitting up on the bed and Bill and Charlie were both in there with him. He was laughing. He was actually laughing and I could hear it faintly. I hadn't heard that for so long.

How was he here? How was that possible?

Suddenly I was inside of the room. My feet had moved before I realised it and now I was just staring at Fred. All three looked at me and he smiled.

"Look at you." he said. "You look great, Liz."

"Oh fuck." I cursed before I rushed forwards and hugged him as tight as I could. He was actually here. I could feel him. I could hug him. How was this happening? How was it possible?

I pulled away and looked at him. He looked like himself, just eighteen years older. His eyes were glistening with happiness but then his smile faded when his eyes flicked to behind me and when I looked, George had entered the room.

"Oh Georgie." Fred spoke. "You did not age well."

Then he laughed. I couldn't believe it. Fred was here. After eighteen years of believing he was dead, he was actually here, joking.

"We buried you." was the first thing George said. "How the bloody hell are you actually here?"

"You see, that's actually a funny story." Fred laughed softly. He motioned for George to come closer, and when he did, they shared a long hug.

Molly and Arthur entered the room as well as after Arthur closed the door, Fred ordered us all to get comfortable so he could tell us the story.

"I've been stuck in nineteen-ninety-eight for the past eighteen years." he explained. "I don't know how, if it was a spell or a curse. I just know that your father, Liz, was the one behind it. It was like I was a ghost and I spent eighteen years witnessing my death over and over. I saw Lizzie cry over me and I saw her father escape with his life."

"What?" I interrupted. "I killed my father."

"In the timeline you experienced, yes." he nodded. "But in the one I experienced, you came back after King tried getting you to leave and your father was there and he killed you. I changed the timeline. I was there the entire time... well, my spirit was. It took me so long but eventually I managed to change it and get you to kill your father before he could kill you, and once I did and your father was dead, I woke up in a casket underneath the ground. I'm just grateful that you buried me with my wand. Otherwise I wouldn't have managed to get out. Mum and dad found me on the ground and I was taken here. That was yesterday."



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