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The potions classroom was cold. Especially at eight at night. Simon had agreed to make me the calming draught to help take some of the worst I feel during the day. The trauma... the constant flinching when someone makes any sudden movement or when some of Luke's friends get too close to me in the halls or the Great Hall. The corridors are the worst. After what they did to Sammy... I can't be in a corridor with one of his friends without starting to panic.

Potions is one of the classes that Simon get top grades in. That's why I asked him to help me. He's as good as Fred and I even heard that he was the second choice to be head boy if Fred hadn't gotten the position.

"What class are you failing in?" I asked Simon as I walked along the shelves of ingredients. He was standing by the table with a caldron in front of him along with a ton of ingredients. He glanced up before dropping something in the cauldron.

"Uh— transfiguration and Herbology." He spoke and scratched just over his lip. "Why?"

"What do you mean; why?" I frowned and turned towards him. "I know you said no but I really want to help you. I don't want to see you fail. You have all these plans."

"The same plans as you."

"Oh, mum and dad will never let me go to Paris to study on a music school for witches and wizards." I said with a shrug. "But you... Moe you'll be absolutely amazing at that school but you can't go unless you graduate."

"Yeah I know." He nodded slowly. "If you have time for it then... yeah alright. I'd like your help."

With a smile, I approached the table and jumped up to sit on it next to where he stood. I looked at him as I moved my hands to under my thighs.

"Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the library?" I asked. "After dinner?"

"Okay." He nodded and glanced at me with a small smile. "Sounds great, Professor."

I laughed but then realized...

"Maybe that's what I should tell Uncle Percy." I said. "That I want to be a music professor once I graduate."

Simon frowned and stopped his actions to look at me. "But that's not what you want."

"No... but let's face it. My parents might have let me go if everything with Luke didn't happen but now... they won't be able to have me all the way in another country without knowing what I do or where I am half the time."


Simon put the last ingredient in, then stirred a little and turned up the heat. Then he let it be as he moved closer to me, wedging his way in between my legs.

"You'll be eighteen by then." He told me. "Don't you think they'll feel more at ease at that time?"

"I don't know."

"I just—" he let out a breath. "I don't want you to give up on what you want. Don't you remember us talking about it when we were younger? Going to Paris, the city of love and study music at a school for magical people like us."

He placed his hands on either side of my thighs but the thumb on his right hand brushed past my bare skin just where my skirt ended.

"It's your choice." He told me. "I just know how much life would suck if you couldn't do what you love. I'd hate to not be able to go to Paris, that's why I need to graduate. I don't want to wait another year."

I placed my hands on his shoulders and offered a comforting smile. "You'll graduate. Don't worry. I'll help you as much as I can."

He chuckled.

"Feels great to have such a smart person in my life." He smiled. "You are going to graduate with ease in two years."

I moved one hand to his neck, feeling the warmth from him spread from his skin and into mine.

I don't know who leaned in first. I don't know if it was him or if it was me but our lips met and now it was his lips that spread warmth through my system.

He grabbed onto my jaw hardly as he forced his lips onto mine. His other hand gripped onto my waist and dug his nails into my skin to the point where it hurt.

The kiss became rougher and rougher as he backed me up against the wall.

A whimper left my mouth. Not a whimper of lust, a whimper of pain. My hands went up to his chest. I tried to push him away but he didn't move one inch. His tongue slid into my mouth and then suddenly yanked at my trousers.

I pushed Simon away as I gasped to catch my breath. My eyes were tearing up and I was now shaking.

"Evie? Oh shit. I'm so sorry, love." He came forward to hug me but I held up a hand to show he needed to keep his distance. "I didn't mean to pressure you into anything you weren't ready for."

"You— y-you didn't." I told him through breaths. I closed my eyes and swallowed harshly before I looked at him. "It's not your fault. I just— I guess I can't do this either without being reminded of something he did."

I jumped off the table and walked over to lean against the wall on the opposite side of the room and then I slid down until I sat on the floor with my knees bended.

"You don't deserve this, Moe." I said. "Why do you even like me? You shouldn't have to put up with this. Go find someone who isn't damaged goods."

With a sigh, he started walking over to me and crouched in front of me.

"What if I want damaged goods?" He said in a teasing way, making me laugh shortly as I looked at him. "I know that what you went through was traumatizing but I want you and I know we have to have this whole conversation about our feelings but not until you're ready for that. We'll take it in your pace."

I smiled softly as I threw my arms around his neck in a tight hug as his own arms went behind my back.

"I love you Moe." I whispered into his neck. "I really love you."

He hummed.

"I love you too, Evie."

Their first kiss...

Vivi finally "kinda" revealing her feelings. I mean, she did tell him she loved him.

This chapter was really hard for me to write. I didn't really know how to start it properly and I must've rewritten it loads of times so I hope you're happy with it!

- Julie

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