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I'm spoiling you.

But you deserve it.

So.. chapter 294 ;))



Uncle Harry was here along with Aunt Ginny for the summer. That meant my cousins James, Albus and Lily were her too.

So was Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione and my cousins Rose and Hugo. Aunt Deanne had decided to come for the summer too with Lexi who was avoiding Uncle Fred because she can't come to terms with her dad not being dead after all.

I wish I could see Simon but Aunt Kathleen, Lee and their three kids went to Spain for the summer this year.

Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione had been spending the last days, doing research upon research upon research.

"There has to be something that can save Fred."

I wish it was true Aunt Hermione but I was starting to lose hope. They didn't and that's why they were great people. I was just pathetic. I gave up was too easily. Everyone were keeping an eye on me. The word had spread.

Genevieve Blakely Weasley, the same girl who once loved life more than anything, tried to kill herself a few nights ago and if it hadn't been for two of my oldest uncles on my dad's side, I would've bled out.

"Why can't Fred just do the same thing you did?" Aunt Ginny asked. "You survived the killing curse in the forest and managed to shatter the piece of Voldemort's soul."

"It isn't the same." Uncle Harry shook his head. "Technically I wasn't a Horcrux. It was just easier to call me that because there wasn't a term for it. Fred is an actual Horcrux."

"Right." it came from Uncle Fred. "One of you need to kill me in order to get the fragment of his soul out of me. Then Lizzie can get to kill her father like it should have been."

"Can you please shut up?!" Aunt Deanne snapped. "We are not losing you again. Sit down and we will find a way to save you. You have a daughter."

"She doesn't want a relationship with me anyway, Dee." Uncle Fred lowered his voice into a whisper so that us, the "kids" wouldn't hear, though I'm pretty sure we all did.

"Well then fucking stay alive because of your nieces and nephews! Or maybe your brothers, your sister. Your parents!"

"I am doing this exactly for them! Adrian has been planning to ruin Liz since he first faked his death. That's thirty-seven years ago, Deanne."

"I am well aware if that." Aunt Deanne scoffed. "We're talking about my uncle. I think I know how many years it's been since he faked his own death. We all suffered his loss only to discover long after that it was all a lie."

"Would you two stop fighting?" grandma asked, stepping in between them. "Fred, dear. Go talk to your daughter. I know what she's said but she just need to be shown exactly why she wants you in her life. She's upstairs. Go!"

At her request or... her order, Uncle Fred made his way upstairs while grandma turned around to give Aunt Deanne a hug and assure her that it was all gonna work out in the end. More of our family had joined my two uncles and my aunt in researching. We all wanted Uncle Fred to come out alive.

"Here." I looked up when I heard my mum. She handed me a cup of tea before she sat down next to me. "How're you feeling, sweetie?"

I shrugged in response.

I didn't know how I felt. Empty? Numb? I now knew what my mum felt when she decided to take her own life. I no longer felt angry with her about her. I knew how unbearable the feeling was. Feeling like the only way out was suicide. I understood her now.

"We're figuring it out, alright." she offered me a soft smile. "I am not letting my father be the death of your uncle. Not again."

"And if there's nothing to do?"

"Then we'll move somewhere he can't find us. We'll change our names if it's necessary. Fred is not going to die." she assured me and I nodded in response as I moved the cup to my lips, taking a sip.



"Am I a bad person for feeling bad for Luke?" I asked. "I know he did a lot of shitty things and I haven't forgotten but he has an illness and he couldn't control himself. Adrian forced him off his meds and that's why he changed from being nice to me to being abusive."

Mum moved her chair closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders while she shook her head. "It's the opposite, actually. It makes you a really great person. It shows that you have the ability to show sympathy for other people. Even the ones who don't deserve it. You've got a big heart."

"Uncle Fred said I inherited it from dad."

Mum laughed, nodding.

"You did. Your dad is the most big-hearted person I know." she told me and we both looked over towards dad who was currently reading a book to Ronnie who was cuddled up with him under a blanket. It reminded me of when Sammy and I were little. We'd cuddle up to each side of dad and beg him to read to us. It was always the same book. It was a muggle book that we saw one day when we went to London with mum. Cinderella. Sammy was the most obsessed with it. He still is but he doesn't want to admit it.

"That's the difference between your dad and your uncle." mum explained. "Don't get me wrong. Fred is sympathetic as well but he's always had a harder time realising when things crossed the line. When doing pranks, your dad knew when to back out and stop up. I think that's the main reason I fell for your dad back in school. He was a big softie who first of all wanted me to be happy. Have I ever told you the story about him falling on purpose to make me laugh after I got teased by a boy from Slytherin?"

"No." I shook my head. "What happened."

"He found me sitting in the astronomy tower. Or, I think it was the astronomy tower. It may have been the owlery. It's been so long that I can't remember. He saw that I had been crying so he tripped on purpose right in front of me. That itself didn't make me laugh but seeing the blood flow out of his nose sure did."

I couldn't help but laugh as I imagined my dad doing that as a teenager just because he didn't want to see mum being sad.

"He made his nose bleed on purpose?"

"I don't think he meant to make it bleed." she chuckled. "He just wanted to make the fall look funny. The nosebleed was an accident but it was really funny."

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