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July 17th of 2018

It's been a year. A year since we moved to Mexico to get a break and get a chance to heal as a family. It was great and Mexico was lovely but I did miss England and even though I made really good friends with Vanessa and her older brother Brandon, I still couldn't stop thinking about Simon.

We kept in touch with each other and sent owl after owl to inform the other one about our week, about the things that happened in our lives and in the different countries we happened to be in.

One letter a week. That's what we agreed on and that's what we kept doing. One letter a week.

I haven't spoken to Emery in... Merlin it really has been ages. I don't think we've spoken since I was a student at Hogwarts. Before Luke escaped Azkaban.


Haven't heard from him either but Simon did fill me in when I asked about him. I wanted to know if he was doing good with his illness. Luke had been back to redo his seventh year at Hogwarts just like Simon. He was on his meds again and he was doing better. Apparently he had gotten close with his dad, Draco and Draco's wife and then of course the half-brother that Luke didn't know he had.

I was happy that he ended up getting his happy ending just like I was getting mine.

We were back in London. We had been for a couple days now. We were settling in alright in the flat above the shop. In a few days the entire family would come together at the Burrow to celebrate that we were back and to get a chance to see each other again. A year is a long time.

I wanted to stay in touch with Vanessa and Brandon. We were going to make sure to write each other through owls and I believed it could work. Maybe one day we'd meet again.

"Where're you going?" Uncle Fred asked when I left the flat to walk down into the shop. "I thought you were helping Ronnie unpack."

"I was." I nodded. "And I did. She's all unpacked now."

Uncle Fred was moving in with Aunt Deanne and Lexi in their house here in London. It was nice seeing that they could be a real family which was something they had been robbed of when he was killed.

"Looks like someone's here for you." Uncle Fred spoke as his eyes moved to behind me. I followed his gaze and a huge smile spread on my face when I recognized the tall figure stepping inside of the shop that were to open tomorrow.

"Moe!" I called out, hurrying down the stairs. His eyes landed on me and he opened his eyes, smiling when I threw my arms around him.

He laughed against me, lifting me up by wrapping his arms around my waist and after spinning me around a few times, he put me down. He grabbed a hand and backed up so he could look at me.

"Merlin's beard, I've missed you." He said. His eyes flicked up to meet mine and he pulled me in for another hugged.

"I've missed you too." I whispered into his chest as he swayed me from side to side, holding me like he never wanted to let go again.

"You're so beautiful." He muttered against my neck. "Have I ever told you that before?"

May 17th of 2023

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