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"Congratulations you two." dad smiled as he pulled Sammy and I in for a big hug. My body stiffened and I think he felt it because he then looked at me as he slowly let go of us. "What's up with you, Vivi?"


"Uh-huh." he nodded, showing me he didn't believe it.

"When you come home for Christmas, we need to have a talk about slapping people in the quidditch pitch." mum said.

"Exactly." dad agreed. "If you want to slap someone, do it while no one's looking."

"George!" mum swatted his arm and he mumbled a quiet 'ouch' as he rubbed the area afterwards. "Vivi, you can't slap people. Don't use violence to solve your problems."

Then she turned to Sammy. "Just like you can't attack someone! We got the letter from Percy. You attacked another student during a meal?"

Sammy glanced at me and I looked down at the floor, begging to god that he wouldn't mention Luke and the reason why he beat him up.

"I'm sorry mum." Sammy said. "I guess I lost my temper for a moment. It won't happen again."

"Hell no it won't." George said. "Otherwise your mum will make me take Gooey from you and he's a funny little guy."

"I'm going to go." I said as I grabbed my broom from where it was leaning against the wall.

"Go?" mum asked. "The family is waiting outside. They didn't want to come inside in case it got too crowded."

"I'm feeling really tired." I lied. "I just want to go to sleep."

I placed my broom where they were usually stored and then hurried out before any of them could protest. I basically sprinted past my family so they couldn't stop me, and then ran up the moving stairs and into the common room after saying the password. Immediately, I tripped over something and fell face first to the ground.

A groan came from my mouth and then I noticed the shoes that stepped in front of my face. I looked up and saw the familiar face that I hated, yet loved at the same time for some reason.

"I am getting really tired of your behaviour." he said and grabbed a fist full of my hair and I whimpered in pain when he forcefully turned me over on my back. "Did you think it was a good idea to slap me in front of the entire school?"

"No." I mumbled. "Please don't hurt me."

"Hurt you? Do you think you deserve to be hurt?"


"No?" he questioned. "Well, I think you deserve to be hurt. Either way, you'll just hurt yourself, isn't that right? Grab that little razor blade of yours and cut your wrists? Or do you prefer to use a knife?"

He pulled at my hair again but this time he pulled me up to stand. My scalp was hurting and as always, I tried my best not to show him that I was in pain. That's what he wanted and I didn't want him to win.

"Why don't I help you?" he asked.

"How did you get in here?" I ignored his question.

"It's a simple password." he told me. "It's not that hard to figure out. Now, answer my question. Why don't I help you?"

I didn't answer.

"Seeing as you have a pain kink." he said, grabbing onto my wrist. He forced my sleeve up to look at the scars. "Do you want to know another little secret?"


"I have a blood kink." he said, eyes meeting mine. "And if you don't start treating me with some fucking respect, I will show you exactly how much I love making my girlfriends bleed."

He pressed down on the newly made cut from last night and I whimpered loudly, squeezing my eyes shut at the pain.

"Stop." I whispered. "I'm sorry, okay? Please stop."

He stopped.

"Show me."

"Show you?"

"Yes. Show me just how sorry you are." he growled and wrapped his hand around mine before pulling us both out of the common room. He guided me down the stairs and I didn't protest as he guided me through a wall and into what looked like a secret tunnel.

Of course. The secret passageways that my father and his twin used all the time when they were students here.

"Show me." Luke repeated and leaned his back against the wall, placing his hands on my waist to pull me in front of him. "On your knees."

"No, Luke. I don't want to–" I begged but he grabbed my hair and forced my head back.

"Do not fucking mess with me right now, Genevieve!" he snapped and I closed my eyes with a sigh as I fell onto my knees. He undid his quidditch robes and let them fall to the ground before he placed his hands behind his head. I slowly moved my hands to the belt in his trousers. A tear slid down my cheek as I unbuckled the belt and then unbuttoned the trousers, pulling the zipper down.

Fuck you, Lucas Parkinson.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now