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"Luke Parkinson?!" Fred exclaimed. "Son of Pansy Parkinson? The girl our mum absolutely hated in school? You can't be serious! She's going to flip!"

"No she won't." I said. "You aren't telling her."

"As if that's going to happen! He's my age, Vivi. You can't date someone my age."

"And Luke?" Roxanne asked. "He's a complete arse."

"Not to me, he isn't." I said. "He's nice and I really like him. Please don't say anything to mum and dad. It's my first boyfriend and I don't want anything or anyone to ruin it."


"Please, guys." I begged. "Don't ruin this for me. I wouldn't ruin it for you. I haven't ruined it for any of you. Fred, when you dated that girl from Hufflepuff last year and Roxi, you're in a relationship with a Slytherin too. Sammy, what about that Ravenclaw girl that Emery mentioned on the train last week?"

"You're dating someone too?" Roxanne asked him. "A Ravenclaw girl?"

"Hey! We're talking about Vivi and Luke Parkinson! Our sister is dating Luke Parkinson! The worst possible person at school!"

"That's it." I sighed and stood up. "I'm leaving. Just remember that I am currently keeping secrets for all three of you so if you tell mum and dad, I'll tell them all of the things you're keeping from them."

"That's not our sister." I heard Roxanne say as I walked towards the door. "She never threatened us before. Fucking Luke Parkinson."

I decided to ignore her and the following inaudible chatter and continued out of the common room.

Next was Emery. It was not going to go well but I had to get it done. She was going to be so mad at me for not telling her. She was going to be even more mad at me because it's Luke. She's complained about him so many times through the years and honestly, I had to.

Luke is one of the most well-known kids at school. He's known to be annoying, a pain in the arse but then he started acting kinda nice towards me and we started making out in private every chance we got. He was nothing but nice towards me in the start, then when I was getting comfortable with him, he started acting possessive and he became less nice.

"Emery?" I asked in a whisper when I approached her in the library. She looked up from her textbook and hummed before looking down again. I leaned over the table, smiling sweetly at her before sliding into a chair across from her. "I need to talk to you."

I drummed my hands against the table, earning her attention. "I'm studying, Vivi."

"Yes, but it's important. I have to just get it out before I decide to not tell you and then you'll find out through Sammy or Fred or Roxi."

"Alright." She muttered and put down her quill before folding her hands on top of the textbook. "Spill."

"Okay." I nodded, moving around in my seat. "Well, you see... I have a boyfriend and—"

"You have a what now?" She choked. "Since when?"

"Since February." I said and her eyes immediately widened. "I promise I wanted to tell you! It's just that he wanted it to be a secret and last week he suggested we made it official. Well, kinda official. My aunts, uncles and parents still can't know."

Emery let out a heavy breath as she leaned back in her chair. "Can we turn it back just one inch? You have a boyfriend and you and him have been together since February? That's seven months."

"I know."

"And who is this mystery fella if I may ask?"

"See, that's the thing I'm most scared about." I said. "You kinda hate him so—"

"Please don't say Parkinson." She said and closed her eyes. "Please don't say Parkinson."

"I really love him, Em."

"Oh bloody hell." She cursed, looking at me. "Merlin's beard. Fuck no."


"Lucas Parkinson? Do you not remember how badly he treated us during year three?" She asked. "Remember when he pushed you into the snow? You were thirteen, he was fifteen. Remember when he poured butterbeer over you in the three broomsticks and claimed it was an accident?"

"I remember—"

"The how can you call yourself his girlfriend? After all of those things?"

"He's different around me." I explained. "He's nicer. Though he does have a temper and sometimes he's accidentally a bit rude but he's also really nice and charming. I love him."

Emery sighed before she got out of her chair and moved to sit next to me. She grabbed my face in her hands and looked at me. "Oh dear Vivi. Why are you doing this? You've heard about his ex. He used her and then when he got sex from her, he started becoming violent."

"He's not like that." I said. "He's changed."

I grabbed her hands and removed them from my face. "And he loves me."

"Love, that boy is incapable of loving someone." She told me and in response I looked away and rolled my eyes.

"Why can't you just be supportive of me?" I asked. "You're supposed to be my best friend."

"And a best friends job isn't to be supportive no matter what. A best friends job is to tell you when you're making a mistake." She explained. "Being with him is obviously your choice but I'm telling you, Genevieve. You're gonna get hurt."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now