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March 16th of 2017

What happened when you died? What happened when it was all over? When everything went black? Was there an afterlife? Some kind of heaven you'd end up in if you had made good decisions in life? Some kind of hell if you had been a horrible person?

Would I be welcomed in heaven or in hell?

Was it sad that I didn't know where I'd deserve to be?

A long and heavy breath left my lips as I narrowed my eyes when the sun appeared from behind the cloud, shining sharply into my eyes.

I raised a hand to cover for the sun but then noticed the shadow step in front of me, covering the sun completely.


"Hey kiddo." My parents goddaughter grinned before she sat down next to me in the grass as I sat up, my head turned so I could look at her.

"I'm four years younger than you." I told her. "What're you doing here?"

"Well. I'll be staying for a while." She told me. "My dad told me what had happened with Luke escaping."


"He doesn't know where the burrow is located, does he?" She asked and cocked an eyebrow.

I shook my head.

"He knows about it but I never told him the location." I said. "How long are you staying for?"

Evelyn shrugged, her eyes leaving me to look into the thin air. After looking at her for a while, I noticed that she didn't look so happy. Something was bothering her.

"You're really here for another reason, aren't you?"

She looked at me again.

"No. I mean, I am here because I wanted to check up on you but I've also had some issues with Woody lately and I needed a break."

Woody is her boyfriend. They were in the same year of Hogwarts and he too was a Gryffindor. His name isn't actually Woody though. That's a nickname he got. His real name is Ackerly Wood. Not that that's any better but he's a nice enough guy and a great Quidditch player.

"Have you been fighting?" I asked, earning a nod in response. "Do you want to talk about it."

"Ahh." she shrugged. "I don't want to worry your pretty head about that. Especially not when you have your own shit to worry about."

"Well, my shit revolves around a complete psychopath who mentally and physically abused me for months and almost killed me because he was jealous of your little brother." I said and she immediately looked at me with wide eyes. I let out a sigh. "I need therapy. My point is that I believe I can handle hearing your boyfriend troubles."

"Wait–" she spoke. "Scroll back. My little brother? Simon or Harvey?"

"Simon." I mumbled. "Yeah. Luke found a photograph of us in my bag and that's when he went crazy."

"Oh Vivi." she sighed, moving closer to wrap an arm around me. "Fine.. you want to hear about Woody?"

"Yes." I nodded. "Did you fight?"

"Something like that." she nodded. "Apparently his dad doesn't approve of me."

"Why?" I laughed sarcastically. "You're amazing. You're Evelyn Elizabeth Jordan. You were born during a freaking war. That's the most awesome characteristic a person can have!"

Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully, removing her arm from around me before she nudged me with her shoulder.

"Mr Wood doesn't like the idea that my parents are Lee Jordan and Kathleen Jordan, former known as Kathleen Whitestone.

"Why not?" I frowned."

"Because they got on his nerve when they were in school. Mum was always somehow involved with the pranks that your parents and uncle pulled and Mr Wood then thinks my dad talks too much. He's a bloody broadcaster. He's supposed to talk a lot."

She then shrugged.

"But I suppose he just wants to look out for his son. Did you know Woody's mother died a few years back? I guess that might be why he's gone to be extra protective." she rambled. "I just wish he could tone it down a notch and not give me those sharp comments when we're eating dinner with him."

"So you and Woody fought about his father?"

"Yes." she nodded slowly. "He keeps defending him and I get that but I'm his girlfriend and he should defend me too when his father tells him in front of me that he could've done better."

I pouted slightly as I wrapped my arms around Evelyn, hugging her as tight as I could. "I think you're great, Eve. Woody is just a dickhead if he doesn't think you're worth defending."

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