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"Did it hurt?" I asked Sammy as I sat with him in the hospital bed as he was in the hospital wing even the next day.

"Are you kidding?" He laughed. "I could feel my rib breaking while I could also hear the crack."

"I heard the crack." I nodded and shivers went down my spine just at the thought.

"I'm walking you too to class from now on." Fred spoke. "And I'll leave my own class early to walk you from class too."

Sammy chuckled. "Sounds a little pathetic, don't you think?"

"Pathetic? Sammy he broke your rib! That bastards lucky he only got suspended for a week."

"I would have liked to see Hoggard get his ass whipped." Roxanne commented from her spot in a chair that stood next to the bed. "Actually, I would've liked to do it myself. Believe me, I would've if I was there."

"No ones doubting that." Fred patted her shoulder and she scowled at him in response. I liked the energy in the room. Well, you know... not exactly because my twin brother's in a hospital bed but I like that Fred and Roxanne have that hostile relationship. It reminds me of before everything with Luke. Reminds me of the summer when they would bicker nonstop and wake everyone up in the morning because Fred decided to piss Roxi off and she's be yelling and everything.

"Vivi?" Roxi asked. "Weren't you supposed to meet Simon in the music room at eleven?"

My eyes widened when I realised she was right. I was supposed to be with Simon and sing that song he wrote for me.

"Merlin's beard." I sighed, crawling off the bed. "The music room is all the way up on the fifth floor. That's four flight of stairs."

"You played Quidditch. I think you'll be alright." Sammy said. "But Fred is following you."

"No he's not." I frowned. "I doubt anyone will be out to bother me after what happened yesterday. Hoggard got suspended. No one wants to get suspended."

I put on the shoes I had taken off before I had crawled onto the bed.

"It's either me or Roxanne." Fred told me, causing me to look at him. "And we both know Roxanne is going to talk about hair the entire way up there."

My eyes traveled from my older brother to my older sister who hadn't heard it. She was staring out the window. It was raining. Pouring down which made the castle a bit darker.

"Okay, fine." I gave in. "But let's hurry. I don't want to keep him waiting."

"Say hi to your boyfriend from me!" Sammy shouted as Fred and I made our way out of the hospital wing.

"Shut up!" I shouted back, walking through the door that Fred held open for me. "This is ridiculous, you know?"

"What? That I'm walking my little sister to the music room so she doesn't get beat up by another Slytherin?" he asked. "Plus. I promised mum and dad to make sure you were safe at all times."

Mum and dad.

Shit. When they found out that Sammy was beat up and got his rib broken, they'd want to completely take me out of school and hire a tutor to teach me the rest I need at home.

"Do you know if they know about Sammy?"

"Yes." he nodded. "Uncle Percy wrote to them. They should be arriving today."



"Well." I breathed. "It's just that... before mum agreed to let me back in school, she was extremely nervous about Luke's friends and now that his friends attacked Sammy because of me, they'll take me out of school. This might be my last day at Hogwarts. Yay."

Fred threw his arm over my shoulder and I automatically flinched at how sudden his movement was. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry, Vivi."

He quickly removed his arm and we had both stopped walking. He was looking at me but I wasn't looking at him. My eyes were focused on the floor.

"I didn't mean to startle you." he said. "I'm really sorry."

"It's fine." I shrugged. "It's not your fault that I get scared when even my own family make sudden moves."

"Well it isn't your fault either." he told me. "I wasn't thinking. I'm–"

"Stop apologising." I told him before I continued to walk up the stairs, Fred following behind. "Hopefully it'll get better. Doctor Oakwood says it can take years though."

"You're still going to see her, right?"

"Yes." I nodded. "McGonagall has given me special permission to leave the castle because it's therapy and uncle aunt Kathy promised mum and dad she's take me."

"Okay. Good." he nodded. "And Vivi. I really am–"

"Oh my god!" I groaned. "If you keep apologising, I will give you something to be sorry for."

He pressed his lips together at my words, then nodded slowly. When we reached the music room, Fred reached to pull the door open but I stopped up, grabbing his wrists gently.

"You don't have to come inside with me." I told him. "Simon is right inside."

Fred looked at me and narrowed his eyes before he removed his hand from the door handle. "I wanted to... alright. I'll hear you sing when you're ready. I'll be in the hospital wing with our brother and sister if you're gonna need anything."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now