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I haven't said this yet but I think I should just make a warning that's directed towards the entire story. There will be a lot of tough language, bullying, degrading. There will be violence and you may not be comfortable with it. There might also end up being one scene with non-consensual sex just so that you are warned. I haven't yet decided on that but maybe it will end up being an important factor of a certain relationship.

Other than that, this one won't be as horrible as the 2nd story in the series. Actually, something will happen that a lot of you... no, scratch that. All of you will be very happy and I myself will probably cry with happiness when I write it.

Now, enjoy chapter 211 and let's all hate Luke together!


I looked to my left, to my right and over my shoulder. I needed to make sure no one was around. When I was sure I was alone, I entered the room of requirement and even though I knew he was gonna be here, my breath still hitched in my throat at the sight of him.

Luke was leaned against the post of a bed and that scared me.

The room of requirement shows itself to people who's in need of it. To enter, you have to walk past the entrance three times while thinking of what you need. When I did that, I thought to enter the room Luke was in and here I am.

He was in need of a room with a bed? Oh no. Please don't say he's thinking what I think he's thinking.

"How was your DADA class?" He asked and pushed himself away from the post before he made his way towards me. "Did you have fun?"

"I guess." I shrugged. "We're learning about Ghouls."

"Ghouls." He repeated. "Yeah, I remember learning about those. Though my favorite creatures to learn about would have to be Vampires. Pretty cool, aren't they? How they latch onto someone's neck—"

He was now standing in front of me and brought a hand up to my face, causing me to flinch. He hesitated as he looked at me. "I'm not going to hurt you, baby. I love you, right?"

"Right." I nodded. He placed his hand on the side of my neck and his thumb caressed my skin. "Luke?"


"Why is there a bed in here?"

"Why do you think there's a bed?" He asked and tilted his head. His voice was soft and so was his expression.

"I don't know..."

"What do you use a bed for, Vivi?"

"To... sleep."

"So why do you think there is a bed?" He repeated his question but this time he had raised his voice a little and the expression on his face was hardening. "I am trying to be considerate, Vivi. I noticed you during dinner. You looked really tired and I thought you would want to take a nap maybe... away from everyone else. A nap without being disturbed."

"That actually... sounds really good." I breathed the last part. "I didn't really sleep last night."

"I can see that." He said. "Because of me, right?"

I didn't respond. I was scared to respond. If I said yes, he might get mad. If I lied, he might get mad.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He whispered. "You can answer me honestly."

Could I?

"Yes." I muttered. "I'm sorry, Luke. It's just that I'm not ready for... that."

"Okay." He nodded, ducking his head to catch my gaze. "I'm sorry, yeah? I never meant to pressure you but when you think about it, it's your own fault. You know I can't handle myself when I see you wear that skirt."

I looked down at the skirt I was wearing and then looked at him again. "It's apart of my uniform."

"That's true." He nodded. "But you can choose the trousers instead. I think you should start wearing trousers instead of skirts."

He looked at me in a specific way. His eyes were ordering me to agree with what he said and I knew that would be easiest.

"Sure. I mean, alright. I-I'll start wearing trousers."

"Good." He smiled and found my hand before leading me towards the bed. "Oh, and what did I say about stuttering? You're not five years old."

"I'm sorry."

"And stop apologizing. You apologize too much. Makes you look weak."

I crawled onto the bed and laid down on my side, watching as Luke laid down next to me, facing me.

"What did you do today?" I asked softly, playing with his tie around his neck. "What class did you have before dinner?"

"Charms." He told me. "It was some boring shit. Incendio. Why do they think we're in need of learning the same spell for seven years?"

"It's curriculum." I shrugged. "And maybe so that it sticks."

We had our good moments, Luke and I. I just had to get comfortable again after not seeing him all summer. I knew he didn't mean it when he acted the way he acted just now and yesterday. He loved me, I know he did.

"I've been thinking about something." Luke said as he ran his fingers up and down my waist. My body stiffened at the contact but I tried to push the uncomfortable feeling away.

He's your boyfriend, Vivi.

"I want everyone to know you're mine." He said. "Everyone. Then they'll know not to look at you again."

"Okay." I simply said. "So you want to tell people?"


"Okay." I said again. "But... my uncles and aunts can't find out. They'll tell my parents and with the whole no-dating rule... my siblings can keep a secret from them but my uncles and aunts can't."

"They won't know." He said and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Now, try and catch up with your sleep. I'll wake you up before curfew."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now