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Dad punched Luke.

Said he had been wanting to do that for a very long time and Luke said he didn't mind because he knew he deserved it. Grandma and grandpa allowed him to stay in the house for a couple of days before Uncle Harry took him to live with his dad.

Yes... we found out who Luke's dad is and we were all very shocked. Well, Uncle Harry and my mum found out. They worked together to figure it out, then asked Luke if he would like to go stay with him since his dad had agreed to it.

It was so... odd.

Then again, the way Luke had been acting like he was better than everyone else. It was the same way his dad acted when he went to school with my parents. That's what my dad had explained to me. Dad even got in a fight with him once and he, Uncle Fred and Uncle Harry all got banned from quidditch for life.

Luke's dad is Draco Malfoy. That means that he must've gotten Pansy pregnant shortly after the war or something. All I know is that sometime after the war, they never spoke again. I mentally puked just thinking about it.

"Can I tell you something?" my voice came out fragile as this was something I had been dreading. I didn't even plan on saying it now but I woke up to find Uncle Fred in the kitchen, awake as well so I thought I should just spit it out. He needed to know.

"Vivi? Hi." he offered a soft smile, looking back at me before continuing with his tea. "Would you like a cup?"

"No thanks." I said and he nodded slowly in response. "I really need to tell you something that I learned while they held me in that cellar."

I just met my Uncle Fred and my family just got him back. How was I supposed to tell him he had to actually die for Adrian to die as well.

"Sure thing." he nodded and turned towards me with a smile. He took a sip of his tea before motioning for me to follow him to the living room. I did and we ended up sitting on the sofa. "You weren't hurt, were you? No one laid a hand on you?"

"That's not–" I shook my head, not bothering to mention that Luke had choked me nearly to death. "Adrian told me that you never actually died during the war."

I watched Uncle Fred's face as his eyebrows slowly came together in a confused frown.

"He gave you a piece of his soul and put a protection spell on you so when that explosion happened, you just went to sleep instead of dying. It was his plan for you to sleep for eighteen years so that he could wake up as well and continue. I think he knew who would win the war and I think he knew that mum would kill him so he made himself immortal by..."

I couldn't say it. My throat tightened and I knew I would break into tears if I said it, though when I looked at his face again, he was leaned back on the sofa, his mouth forming a small 'O' as his eyes were focused on the big family clock with all the spoons that had our faces on it.

"...by making me his Horcrux." he finished my sentence, then laughed out of exhaustion, throwing his head back. "I have to die for this to end..."

He then sat up and placed the cup on the table, then turned towards me. "You should've told me before. You're nearly sixteen. You shouldn't walk around with that on your own."

"I didn't know how to tell you." I muttered. "My entire life I have heard stories about you. Everyone had stories and I always longed to meet you and then I did because you weren't dead after all. It was the best Christmas gift I could get. I got to know the uncle I always knew through stories and photographs but you have only known me through this hell with Luke and everything and now you have to die and I didn't know how to say it."

Uncle Fred wrapped an arm around me to pull me in for a warm and comforting hug. He held me tightly, gently swaying me from side to side as I was now crying.

"It's going to break them." I told him through a sob. "They're all going to break if thy lose you again."

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now