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"So I gave him detention and he punched me in the face." Sammy explained after having just given his first detention as a prefect. "That only gave him an extra detention though."

"You're gonna end up getting your badge taken." Roxanne said. "Maybe they'll replace you with Vivi."

"Why? Because someone punched me in the face?"

"No. Because you're a provoking son of a bitch." She told him. "He wouldn't have punched him if you weren't being provoking about that detention. Also, you beat the shit out of Luke. A prefect is supposed to be a role model and you beat up a seventh year student in front of a bunch of eleven-year-olds."

When we entered the Great Hall, Luke was waiting there. His eyes immediately landed on me and he eyed me up and down which made me a tad uncomfortable.

What if he thought I looked fat?

"Vivi." He greeted with a smile.

"Get lost, Parkinson." Roxanne said as Emery suddenly came running after us, accidentally bumping into Luke, nearly making him fall.

"Oh shit!" She cursed and her and my siblings all laughed, though I didn't, knowing he would take it out on me later. "I'm so sorry, Lucas."

"Watch where you're going, Williamson." He snapped, then looked at me and extended his arm. "Come sit with me."

I looked at his hand and I felt Sammy move closer to me.

"You don't have to sit with him." She whispered. "He won't do anything to you if you stay with us."

"Vivi." Luke spoke, eyes burning into mine. "Come. Let's get some breakfast before I walk you to Muggle studies."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I placed my hand in his and let him lead me towards the Slytherin table. He intertwined his fingers with mine and smiled to himself, knowing and loving that when it came to me, he was in control.

He guided me to sit down on the bench that faced away from the Gryffindor table. He ran his hands down my arms and kissed my shoulder before walking over to sit opposite of me.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he grabbed himself some food.

"Alright." I shrugged, reaching for some food myself but when I saw the way he looked at me, I quickly retrieved my arm.

"Do you want to know a secret?" He asked, though he didn't let me respond. "When my mum was a student here, she had a system."

"A system?"

"She skipped breakfast and lunch and only ate a few vegetables for dinner." He said. "That way she could stay thin and attractive. No one wants chubby girls."

As he spoke, I slowly wrapped my arms around my stomach and looked down.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked. "Aren't you gonna eat anything?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Hmm." He hummed and shrugged as a small smile spread across his face. "That's probably for the best."

I'm not hungry.
That's probably for the best.

I'm not hungry.
That's probably for the best.

I'm not hungry.
That's probably for the best.

The two sentences kept rushing through my mind as I realized he was probably right.

"What subject are you learning about in Muggle studies?" Luke asked me.

"Introduction to Muggle Cinema."


"Until Christmas break is over." I told him, my eyes staring at the empty plate this whole time.

"And what are you doing for Christmas break?It starts in three weeks, right?"

"Yeah." I breathed. "I'm not really doing anything. Going home to see my parents and my little sister."

"Or—" he cooed, causing me to look up at him. He smiled cockily, staring at me with a tilted head. "You could come spend it with me. My mum's gone all Christmas and New Years so I have the house to myself."





His smile faded and he straightened his head before he put down the bagel in his hand, folding his arms on the table. "No?"

"No." I repeated. "I would love to but I can't. You know my parents don't allow dating."

"So? I'm sure you can come up with an excuse."

"I can't." I told him. "They'd never believe it and I want to spend some time with my family."

"Your family." He scoffed. "Family's a waste of time and they're obviously trying to control you and who you're seeing. They don't like me, Vivi."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't deny it because I knew he was right and if I tried, we would end up fighting. I didn't want to fight.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now