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I couldn't move.

I mean, I probably could but it felt like I couldn't. My entire body felt heavy and I felt not only embarrassed but dirty.

Why did I let him do this? I shouldn't have let him do this. I shouldn't been clearer about my no. Clearer about not wanting it.

He didn't even see it. He didn't see the damage he had just done. He kept talking, though my mind shut his words out. He was on his side, facing me with a finger drawing circles on my bare stomach.

Why did he do this? He was supposed to love me. To care about me. Not to... he wasn't supposed to hurt me. Not like this.

When I finally felt like I could move, I sat up, forcing my heavy legs over the edge. I was quick to grab my knickers and pull them on. I needed to get out of here. I needed to shower, to get clean.

I found my trousers and pulled them on, closing them so quickly that I almost got my finger pinched by the zipper. My eyes shortly glanced at Luke who was still on the bed, and then I saw the blood stain on the sheets. He had taken my virginity against my will and he was being rough about it so he had made me bleed.

"Don't look so displeased." Luke commented as I bend over to pick up my shirt. I tried doing everything as quick as I possibly could. I didn't want to spend another moment in here. "We both know you loved it, Vivi."

I did my tie, trying to make sure it looked neat while doing it quickly. My clothes couldn't look messy. They'd question it and I didn't have an answer.

"I'll see you later." He told me before I hurried out of the room of requirement. As I stormed down the hallways, I couldn't stop the visions of the sex flash past my mind.

I didn't want that.

My breathing became heavier the faster I walked. I was in desperation to have a shower. I needed to wash it all off. His hands, his lips.

Luckily for me, Emery or any of my siblings weren't in the common room and Emery wasn't in the dormitory either. No one was. I grabbed everything I needed, towel, new clothes and then I hurried into the bathroom.

Once I had closed and locked the door, I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't really wondering about my black eye due to Luke having punched me earlier. Also, some of the white in my left eye was red due to the blood vessels getting teared from the trauma to my eye.

My neck was full of hickeys and when I got myself undressed, so was my collarbone my cleavage. I couldn't stand to look at myself. The sight of my body disgusted me and I teared up. I had blue and purple bruises by my waist on the exact same spot that he grabbed me while thrusting in and out of me roughly.

I stepped into the shower and as I roughly tried rubbing the dna and fingerprints off of me, I broke into tears.

I felt disgusting. No, I felt worse than disgusting. I couldn't even start to explain how I was feeling.

My biggest wish right now was to be home with my parents. When my siblings and I were younger, we held a family baking contest every Saturday. Mum and dad chose their teams and we were all very competitive. Then later while eating the things we baked, we'd play board games and just have fun as a family.

That's what I wanted right now. To have fun with my family. I didn't want to be here. It was going to be a horrible year, especially if I couldn't get away from Luke. I knew it was impossible. I was too weak to leave him. Too scared of what he was going to do and too scared of what other people would think.

Emory was right. My siblings were right. They'd look at me and find me so pathetic. So would mum and dad.

They'd probably be so disappointed to have me as their daughter. Probably wish they chose to give me up for adoption.

I was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now