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Dad had sent my uncle from the grave upstairs with the rest of my siblings and then he made me tell mum what I told him.

She had started crying and she hugged me tightly as I cried as well.

I also got introduced to my uncle who by the way gave great hugs. Thought I was still a bit freaked out by the whole awakening from the death thing.

Yeah, I had to get used to that, seeing as he has been dead my entire life. Even three years before that.

"Breakfast!" Dad shouted from downstairs and I sighed as I rolled onto my back.

"George, don't you remember how annoying it was to be woken up by mum and dad at eight in the morning on a Saturday?" I heard uncle Fred explain. Gosh it was weird hearing my dads twin downstairs. "You are doing the exact same to your children. Think about that."

Then a scream came from Roxanne's room. It sounded like she just saw someone died so in the split of a second, I had jumped out of bed and forgot all about how tired I was. When I got to Roxanne's room, she was standing on her bed, screaming and crying while pointing at her dresser.

"What?" I asked.

"Mouse!" She screamed as Sammy and Fred showed up in the room as well, followed by a tired Bryson.

I walked over to the dresser and got down on all fours. There it was. A white mouse just sitting under the dresser. I quickly picked it up so it couldn't run away, and then stood up.

"Poor guy." I pouted. "Must've been scared from your screaming."

"That things scared?!" She shouted. "I'm over here having a heart attack!"

"You're being dramatic." Bryson said. "It's a mouse."

"Coming through." I heard Uncle Fred as he pushed through the crowd of his three nephews. "Did I hear anyone say mouse?"

"Roxanne saw a mouse under her dresser." I explained. "It's actually kinda cute."

"Cute?!" Roxanne explained. "It's the devil!"

Uncle Fred came closer to see the mouse but then turned and looked at Roxanne. "This is wild. You remind me so much of Ginny."

"I'm going back to bed." Fred, my brother announced, then turned around to walk out of the room.

"You should set it free." My uncle suggested. "And probably get it out of your sister's room before she faints like you did yesterday."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I muttered before I walked past Sammy and Bryson, making my way downstairs.

"So freaky." I muttered to myself at the thought of having an actual conversation with my uncle Fred.

"Is that why Roxi screamed?" Mum asked when she saw me with a mouse.

"Mhm." I nodded. I made my way down through the shop and opened the front door before crouching down, seeing the mouse free. "There you go, buddy. Have a nice life."

I watched it run off before I stood up. "Until someone stamps you to death."

The cold air from outside was hutting me and I was only wearing my pajamas so I quickly got the door closed and made my way back up through the shop.

Normally, dad would open the shop at eight but on Saturdays, he open at ten. He's been working Saturdays my entire life. It started out because it was the only money he and mum got and at that time mum was pregnant with her first child: Fred. Then dad decided it was good business to have open on Saturday, meaning he continued to do it even after mum was a fully-trained Auror.

When I got back up in the flat, mum was putting the breakfast on the table. Dad wasn't here, so he was probably upstairs getting those out of bed who always had a hard time. I usually had a hard time as well but since Roxanne scared me with her screaming... I'm up.

Uncle Fred was leaned against the kitchen counter and he was talking to mum who was smiling and gladly listening. Veronica was sitting on her usual chair by the table, waiting to eat since it was pancakes and they were her favourites. Especially because it was grandma's recipe.

I made my way up the stairs, past Roxanne who walked down. I made sure to feed Donut and tell her good morning before I got myself dressed in a pair of mum jeans with a black belt and a long-sleeved black jumper that I tucked into the jeans. I did my hair, brushed it and let it sit around my face.

I sat down on my bed to pull on some socks and then folded my pyjamas, putting them away. My eyes landed on the large photo on the wall next to my door. A family portrait that didn't go exactly as planned.

Mum was sitting on a chair with newborn Veronica in her arms. She was looking down at the tiny baby with a smile on her face. Dad was standing behind the chair, leaning over to get a glimpse of his newborn daughter as well. Bryson was sitting on the floor, arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face. He was sad that he didn't get all the attention like he did before Veronica was born. He was four years old in that photo. Sammy and I stood together, trying to smile for the camera but Fred was behind us, bothering us. He was pulling at my hair while messing up Sammy's and then there was Roxanne. She stood on the other side of mum and dad, looking at Bryson with an annoyed glance.

I couldn't help but laugh at the memory. I wished I could go back to that time. It was so much more simple. I would get another chance at growing up and avoiding Luke. Maybe we would never have gotten together.

That would've been nice.

Don't worry. George knows one of the things now but before the end of the holiday break, he will know everything. So will Lizzie and the rest of the family.

One and Only 3 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now