Before you start this story (important!)

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Hi new/old reader,

I am currently in the process of both rewriting old chapters and writing new chapters. The reason why I am rewriting them, is because both my vocabulary and writing style have become significantly better as the story progressed. I wasn't pleased with the early chapters anymore and decided to improve it for an even better reading experience!

What will you notice of this whilst reading this story?
There may be inconsistencies in writing styles between chapters. This can include:
- Some chapters in first person and present tense, some chapters in third person and past tense.
- Some chapters are very long, some will be way shorter. 
- The usage of enters between dialogues and paragraphs.
- Better use of vocabulary and grammar in some chapters than others. 

Nothing big changed or will change about the plot. 

Please let me know if if you find a spelling/grammar/other mistake. I reread everything I write but after looking at a screen for so long I miss some things sometimes.

Also: some of the comments unfortunately got lost due to me deleting/changing paragraphs. So make sure to leave some comments behind ;)!

Thank you for your patience and love <3.

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