Chapter 45: Unable are the Loved to Die

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Emily's POV

Contrary to what you might think, it's kind of a numb pain. It's a pain definitely, but it's not sharp and piercing like the bullet. It's kind of oozing and seeping, like your essence is being drawn out. Every ounce of blood leaving my body is like an ounce of power that I'm losing. I can hear shouting and the banging of doors crashing to the floor, but it's all muffled, like there are cotton-balls in my ears. I can see an officer kneel down beside me and put pressure on the wound, but he's looking a little fuzzy.

"Somebody call a medic!" he shouts and his voice keeping ringing in my ears, even after he's done talking. "You're going to be alright ma'am, just stay still."

"You have to save her," I croak, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Save who?" the SWAT officer asks confused.

"He took her, please you have to find her," I say, my voice trailing off.

"Who is she? Who did Jack take?" the officer asks urgently, like he can tell that I'm fading.

"Alison," I breathe, my eyes to heavy to hold open anymore.

As soon as I've given up, a gun shot rings out, sounding like it's directly below us. My heart jumps and all the strength left in body gathers. If he shot her, if that bang was the end of her life, there will be hell to pay. I've thought I've lost her before, and I'll be damned to lose her again.

"Alison," the broken whisper escapes my lips. "Alison," I say, a bit stronger.

"Ma'am you have to stay calm, the bleeding-"

"Alison!" I scream, my voice gurgling at the end with the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.


Alison's POV

As he drags me away from her crumpled form, I thrash and scream in his arms. I try to escape in every which way possible, but he's just too strong. As always, I'm stuck physically unable to help myself.

"Will you stop wiggling? Jesus, you're poking me everywhere," he says and grunts when I hit him a little closer to his no-no square.

"Put me down, please!" I cry and he sighs exasperatedly.

"Fine, Christ you are a handful," he says and puts me down.

My feet are straining to run back to Emily but I swallow the urge. I know that if I want to get to her bullet-free, I'm going to have to be cunning.

"Thanks Jack," I say seductively.

"What did you just call me?" he asks, angry that I disrespected him by calling him his given name. Asshole.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm just out of practice," I say innocently, batting my eyelids.

"Someone needs to teach you some respect," he mutters and pushes me forward.

"Maybe you can teach me, I need to be disciplined," I say, dropping my voice and trying my hardest to make him hard.

"What has gotten into you? Aren't you all up in Emily's grill?" he asks as I turn around and start walking towards him, swaying my hips as I go.

"No, in fact I should thank you for taking care of her for me," I say, the lie burns my tongue on it's way out. I need to keep in mind that this is all for her.

"Mhmm, I've missed you," Master says, his eyes darkening with lust.

"What did you miss?" I ask, biting my lip. I'm totally playing this up to the extreme.

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