Chapter 40: Sweet and Hot

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Guys don't freak out but, I've written the end of this book. Crazy isn't it? Anyway, the end is in sight so get ready. This chapter is dedicated to all my dedicated readers who have been on my butt since last update to get this one out there hahaha. Thanks for the motivation guys:) The playlist for this chapter is:
"Salute" Little mix
"Suggestions" Orelia has Orchestra
"Stay My Baby"  Miranda Cosgrove (don't judge me it was on shuffle)
"Freaky" Spokk
"ignorance" Paramore
"Once in a Lifetime" One Direction
"Heart Attack" One Direction
"Hallelujah" Paramore
"Lie a Little Better" Lucy Hale
"No Control" One Direction
"Add My Effort" The Weepies
"Change My Mind" One Direction
"18" One Direction


Alison's POV

"Alison Lauren Dilaurentis, will you be my girlfriend?" Emily asks me and my heart constricts in my chest. I will myself to remain cool and put my poker face on.

"I don't know, I'll have to think about it," I say and gather up all my stuff to leave.

"Umm yeah, that's totally fine. Take as long as you need," Emily says awkwardly flustered and opens the door for me to walk out. When I get to the top of the staircase and about to descend, I turn around.

"Hey Emily?" I call out and she spins around, swaying on her feet with her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah?" She says nervously, rolling her lips into her mouth and I smile at her adorableness.

"I've thought about it, and I'd really like to be your girlfriend," I say with a grin while a huge smile spreads across her face.

"Really?" She asks excitedly, not unlike a little kid on Christmas. I nod my head slightly while biting my lip to attempt keep the smile off my face.

"Yes!" She says and takes three strides over to where I'm standing. She picks me up and spins me around as I laugh at her enthusiasm. She puts me down just long enough to press her lips to mine and I squeal at her forcefulness.

"Yes," she breathes contentedly against my lips and I roll my eyes at her playfully while pressing my lips to hers in the sweetest of all kisses.

"See you later Em," I say and kiss her one more time before spinning out of her arms and down the stairs.

"Do you really have to go?" Emily whines and I laugh at her.

"Well I guess not, but you really have ruined my dramatic exit," I sigh, pretending to be upset.  She bounds down the stairs and bends her knees slightly to get eye level with me.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to make a dramatic entrance," she whispers and wraps her arms around my waist while straightening her knees. I squeal as she picks me up and throws me over her shoulder.

"Emily! Put me down!" I say while laughing and hitting her playfully on the back.

"Nope, you asked for this," she says and runs back up the stairs.  I'm laughing uncontrollably as she throws me down on her bed and pins both my hands above my head while covering my mouth with her other hand.

"You are mine now," she says and my heart flutters, this time not from fear but happiness.  When Master would do something like this, the terror threatened to kill me.  However, I trust Emily with my life. I nod my head because I'm unable to say anything and I smile against her hand.

"How did this ever happen to me?" Emily sighs with a smile on her face as she removes her hand from my mouth and replaces it with her lips.  

I can't stop smiling as we continue to kiss, completely content with my current situation.  I have the perfect girl pressed against me, and life couldn't get better.  I flip her over, showing my dominance, and she pulls away.

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