Chapter 11: A Picnic from Paris

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I realize I've been forgetting to tell you when I'm taking a scene from the show or not.  Spencer and Alison talking after church is from the show and I'm going to go back and label everything else I've taken from it.  Honest mistake hahaha.  Anyway this chapter is dedicated to chelsey_21Libra because she is very consistent with her comments and votes and I really appreciate it! Keep commenting guys, they don't go unnoticed:P


Alison's POV

"I love you Alison Dilaurentis"

Those 5 words keep replaying in my mind.  I can't say I'm surprised, I'm a very charismatic person.  It's cute that she tucked me in and kissed my forehead so I didn't bother telling her I was awake.  That would have been awkward.  But when she told me she loved me a whole new world of possibilities opened up.  I could use this to my benefit, and to be honest I like the attention.  Who doesn't?

I roll over in my bed and my head instantly starts pounding, gosh this is a killer hangover.  I really don't want to get out of bed to go get myself some Advil but I see some water and two pills on my desk.  Wow Emily really does care; a lot of people wouldn't think to do that.  See? I knew this could be a good arrangement for me.

I realize that it's Sunday, I should probably go to church.  I never go alone so I text Spencer since she is my next-door neighbor.  She doesn't respond but about five minutes later I hear her car pull up in my driveway.  She exchanges pleasantries with my mother and starts heading up the stairs.  Every pound of her foot on the stairs matches a throb of my head. She throws open the door and plops on my bed.

"Ugh, why do hangovers come accompanied with drinking?" Spencer groans, covering her eyes from the light.

"Shhhhh too loud," I say, her voice making my ears ring.  She laughs, which makes my throbbing headache worse.

"You need to get ready Ali, church starts in 20 minutes," Spencer says, always the punctual one.

"Mhhmmm can you just pick me out an outfit? I want to stay in bed as long as possible," I put the pillow over my head and start to will myself to get out of bed.  She throws an outfit over my body and I groan, deciding I need to get up.  I get out of bed and turn on my curling iron.  After putting on the outfit Spencer picked out, putting loose curls in my hair, and applying light makeup, I look presentable.  It takes us five minutes to get to church so we only miss the opening announcements.

We start singing some weird hymn and I look over to see Loser Mona doing some weird hand gesture thing and swaying while she singing super loud.  And super bad.  I laugh at her underneath my breath and nudge Spencer to look.  We both try to stifle our giggles but continue to stare.  Wow she looks so weird. After the longest and most boring sermon of my life, church is dismissed and we walk down the front steps.

"Ok what do you suppose Loser Mona was doing in there.  Praying for bigger boobs?"  I ask her, remembering Mona singing.

She laughs and looks at me, "Why do you even bother going to church?"

"I like to cover my bets," I say nonchalantly.

She looks down in my bag and points to my diary sticking out of it.

"What is that? You were writing in it all during service," she asks me.  Spencer can be so damn nosy.

"It's my diary," I tell her.

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