Chapter 18: Ali's Back

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Ok guys this chapter is dedicated to its_lianny because, although her comment was short, it made my heart soar.  I love it when people not only like my story, but like my writing style.  It's like the mother of all comments for writers:) Your comments don't have to be gushing guys, anything you think please just tell me. Critics are ok too, everyone needs to get better. Enjoy the chapter y’all!


This week has been pure torture. I stayed up till two am almost every night studying for exams.  Ben and Jack keep on trying to talk to me, but I'm still too pissed to even acknowledge their presence. Not to mention that Ali's been gone so that just puts a damper on things.  Spencer's had a stick up her ass all week because she's been helping Aria and I study for our tests, since she took hers last week.  Hanna doesn't even care at all so I've mostly been hanging out with Aria in my free time.  She's the most normal about life right now.

Life's good though because I just finished my last exam and now school's out for the summer! Alison comes back today so that's just an added bonus.  After the last swim practice of the year, I see a note hanging out of the bottom of my locker.

Hey Em by the time you read this I'll already be at your house, meet me there! I have a surprise for you from my trip.  Don't text me my phone was stolen.  See you later:)

I could tell from the handwriting and lingering perfume that Ali wrote this.  I can't help the smile that stretches across my face when I think of her. Now I'm so excited to get home.  I jump in my car and practically speed all the way home.  I see Ali leaning on my bedroom window.

"Hey Em, long time no see," she shouts down to me at my car.

"Sure seems that way," i call back grinning.  I jog up my porch, in the house and up the stairs.  I see Ali now leaning on my bedroom doorframe with one leg crossed over the other.  She smiles at me and I can't stand it anymore.  I go up to her and she wraps her arms around my neck, giving me a bone-crushing hug.

"I missed you," she says, I can feel her breath on my ear.  

"You were only gone for a week," I tell her, a smile on my voice.

She takes a step back and I unravel my arms from around her waist.  "Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't miss you," she tells me smiling. "Come on, I want to show you my surprise," she says as she walks into my room and sits down on the foot of my bed.  I follow her and scoot up on my headboard.

"I brought you a present back from my trip," she says, so I guess this is her surprise. "But you have to keep it a secret," she whispers. "I didn't bring anything back for the other girls so if they ask about it you have to lie. Promise?" It makes me feel super special that she brought something for me but not for the other girls. I nod and she hands me something hard wrapped in pink tissue paper.  I unwrap it and I gasp at the sight of the most beautiful snow globe I've seen.

"It's beautiful," I say, still awestruck that she would think of this for me. I love it.

"It's vintage," Ali tells me softly. "My grandma gave it to me, I wanted you to have it." I smile at her and she continues. "You're the only one that really understands me Em.  The only one I can completely be honest with."  Her words make my heart soar, maybe she really does feel something for me.

"I have to go, I have a prior engagement," she says while putting her stuff back in her bag.

"We'll definitely see you later right?" I ask her.  I hope she didn't forget about the party at Spencer's.

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