Chapter 23: Blissful Ignorance

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Ok so next weekend I'm going to go to a reunion for that camp I was at earlier so idk how that is going to translate into my writing time but it might hinder it a little bit.  I'm not saying I won't update until after but I'm also not saying I'm going to update before that.  I'm saying I don't really know.  Anyway this chapter is dedicated to kiranmacy0311 because she has a pretty rockin' story.  She messaged me asking to read it and I'll admit, I really liked it.  It's not a story, it's just a lot of Emison sex scenes and I liked that she didn't try to make it a story.  Most of the Emison fanfics I see out there just dive right into the hookups and I HATE that.  It's not realistic or interesting, but sometimes you just want a really good Emison hookup.  That's what this is for so if you want that, go read her story Emison getting intimate.  All right that was a really long AN enjoy the chapter:)


Emily's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that Ali had turned in the night.  She was now facing me with her head buried in my chest and her hand cupping my neck.  Our legs were still intertwined and I still had my arm wrapped securely around her body, crushing her to me.  I looked at her and she looked so vulnerable, almost like a child like innocence.  I brushed her hair back so that I could see her face more clearly and her eyes groggily opened.  She moaned and tilted her head up to look at me, her eyes still half closed.

"Hey you," I said faintly. A soft smile broke across her face as she continued to look at me with her big blue eyes.

"Hey," she said, her voice still raspy from sleep.  I can't help myself so I trail my hand down her face.  It's almost like I need to touch her.  She sighed sleepily and closed her eyes while moving closer to me. I hug her tighter, if even possible, and relish in the bliss of this little oasis.  

"Are you hungry," I ask her as I start to trace my hand in patterns on her back.  I feel her voice vibrate on my skin. 

"Yes please," she says sweetly and I chuckle at her.  She's acting like kid and it's adorable.

"Alright let's go get you some breakfast," I say while making a move to get up.  I feel her grabbing my hand to stop me though.

"Mhmmm do we have to go right now?" she complains with her eyes still closed. I laugh at her and nod my head.

"Sorry Ali, I'm already up so you're gonna have to come with me," I say while releasing her hand and walking towards her door.  When I open it, I hear her groan behind me and the bed creak, indicating that she did end up getting up.  I start down the stairs and I feel her presence slide in beside mine.  When we get to the bottom, we see Alison's mom, the other three girls, and a professional looking detective sitting at the dining room table.  We both slow down and walk tentatively into the living room.

"Is everything ok here officer?" Ali asks cautiously.  This is the moment we had to be prepared for, we had to make sure Ali gave her statement.

"Everything is fine, we just need you to answer a few questions.  My name is Lieutenant Tanner, I work with the Federal Department," the cop says officially.  The other girls look at Ali with concern and Ali's mother just looks disinterested.  I glance at Ali and see that she has turned sheet white, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head.  Her hands keep clenching and unclenching and it looks like she is forcing her feet to stay in place, rather than run out the door.

"Alison it's ok, we came here to support you when you give your statement," Aria reassures her.  Spencer and Hanna both nod.

"Yeah Ali, we thought it might be easier if you had your friends with you," Hanna says.

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