Chapter 34: I Can Finally Do Things

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Hey y'all, a lot of you guys wanted to see last chapter in Alison's POV but I can't do that for you, at least not yet. So I'm not going to write an alternate POV for that chapter right now, but I will later don't worry. This chapter is dedicated to my best friend who decided to take her own life yesterday. She shipped Emison harder than everyone on the whole planet, including me, so really this whole book is for her. Enjoy the chapter y'all:P


Emily's POV

"Hey Han, want to see that new horror movie that came out last week?" I ask my best friend over the phone.

"Uh sure I guess. Is Ali coming with us?" she asks me, sounding confused at my sudden readiness to hang out with her.

"No, so can I pick you up in an hour?" I ask while heading to my room to buy the tickets.

"Sure that works, see you then," Hanna says and hangs up.

I flop on my bed with my computer and go to Fandago to buy our tickets. My mom walks in my room with a set of clean sheets and looks surprised to see me.

"Oh, hey honey!" my mom says happily. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm buying tickets for a movie, it's ok if I go right?" I ask, still concious that I have to get an ok from my mother.

"Of course, tell Alison I said hi," she says and sets the sheets down, motioning for me to get off the bed.

"I'm not going with her," I say while I help my mom strip the sheets off my bed.

"Oh are you going to Alison's after?" Mom asks me while putting clean pillow cases on all of my pillows.

"No I'll be here," I say as I put new sheets on my bed. It'll feel good to be sleeping in clean bedding.

"Ok, I'll make us some dinner," my mother says smiling and exits my room. Wow, I don't remember the last time I had dinner in my own house with my mother. It'll be good.


"That was so bad," Hanna says laughing as we exit the theatre.

"I know, right? The special effects were awful," I agree and throw away our popcorn and drinks.

"Especially that last scream, 'Ah please don't hurt me,'" Hanna says, mocking the main character's high pitch squeal and I laugh. The movie was way funnier than it was scary, but it was still great to go out with Hanna.

"So where do you want to go to dinner," Hanna asks me once my laugh quiets down.

"Um how about Mafiosos?" I ask, craving Italtian.

"Oh you know we can't go there without Spencer," Hanna says chuckling.

"That's true, we won't be able to pronounce anything on the menu. You call her while I try Aria," I say while pulling out my phone and dialing Aria's number.

"You gonna call Ali when you're done?" she asks with her phone already pressed to her ear.

"Not tonight," I say, and she gives me a weird look. Before she can say anything, Spencer answers the phone.

"Hey Spence, meet me and Em at Mafiosos, we need your ability to speak Latin," Hanna says, and I roll my eyes at her stupidity.

"It's Italian Han, not Latin," I can hear her say over the phone.

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