Chapter 7: Cheesy Balls and Bar Brawl

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to howaboutf0rever for being one of the first people to read my story and give me some really good feedback.  Guys don't be afraid to tell me what you don't like, trust me I can take it.  Also don't be afraid to tell me what you do like if you want to see more of it, I can't help you unless you tell me.  Go check out howaboutf0rever's story, Heart Full Of Love: An Emison Fanfic.  Enjoy the chapter!


As I drive back to Alison's house to drop off her car, I try to talk myself out of liking Alison.

"She's a girl, you like boys Emily," I say to myself, "What would your mother think?" I add.  Oh Lord, what would my mother think.  I'm pretty sure I'd get sent off to Jesus camp for the rest of my life.  My mother is super homophobic so that would just be a sight to see.  Her only child, being gay, it would crush her.

I pull up to Alison's house and get out.  I'm about to leave her car but I feel like that's bad protocol.  I mean she did let me steal her car for a date with a boy that I'm pretty sure she hates.  I go back and rummage through her glove box until I find something to write on.  It's one of the Paris postcards we were looking at on her bed yesterday.  What is it doing in her car?

Thanks for the car Ali, hope you had fun at the lake:P Text me tomorrow and we'll talk all about it;)

I leave the note on her dash and start to walk home.  When I finally get there I see my mother waiting for me on the front steps.  Did she wait up for me?

"Where were you Emily?  Why were you out so late and where are the other girls?"  My mother sounds worried, she always blows things out of proportion.

"I'm fine mom, the girls stayed at Spencer's lake house but I left because I had a date.  With my boyfriend," I say while blushing.  I roll my lips into my mouth and rock back and forth on my feet. I guess it's bad daughtering to not tell your mother about your boyfriend.

"What? You have a boyfriend? What's his name and when are you bringing him home for dinner?" My mother seems apprehensive, but still open to the idea if Ben turns out to be a nice boy.

"His name is Ben and he's on the swim team. I'll ask him over for dinner soon ok mom? I'm kind of tired so I'm gonna head up to bed.  Love you!" I practically run inside the house to avoid further interrogating.  My mother could talk to me all night if I let her.


I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing out of control on my desk.  I groggily stumble over to it to see that all the messages are from the girls, telling me about how the sleepover went.  Alison's name is noticeably absent from all of the texts and my heart sinks a little.  I try not to let it get to me though, she never  gets excited about anything really. She keeps her cool 99.9% of the time.

I read all the texts and see one from Hanna, asking me to come over.  I jump in my car and head over there, shouting back to my mother before she can stop me.  I arrive at the Marin residence to see Hanna on her back patio with her face stuffed in a bag of cheesy balls.

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