Chapter 41: The Coming Out That Counts

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Ok guys, I just got all psyched up to write this chapter by reading a ton of comments so this chapter is dedicated to lillounicorn because your comment warmed my heart:) Thanks girl, it means a lot to meXD This chapter's playlist is all Taylor Swift so if you don't like her then sucks:

"Forever and Always"
"The Best Day"
"The Way I Loved You"
"Dear John"
'Welcome to New York"
"Blank Space"
"I knew you were trouble"
"White horse"


Hanna's POV

"Uhh umm," Emily stutters while standing next to Ali trying to tell something to Aria, Spencer, and I sitting on her couch.

"We thought that uhhh," Alison tries to pick up where Emily left off, but she leaves us in this painfully awkward silence even longer.

"Spit it out already, you guys blanketing the room with awkward tension," I say and Alison glares at me.

"Fine, we're dating," she says defiantly, waiting for an explosion from all of us.

"Yeah, we know," Aria says matter-of-factly.

"You knew?" Emily asks surprised.

"Well you guys suck at hiding it, and you gathered us all here for a meeting while you stutter like idiots trying to tell us something important, it's not hard to guess," Spencer says, with a slight tone of bitterness.

"Well," Emily says slowly, "how do you guys feel about it?"

"Emily you're not our parents, you don't need to ask us about our feelings," I say and grab the bowl of M&M's sitting on her coffee table.

"I was waiting for this to finally happen, you guys are made for each other," Aria says, practically bouncing on the couch with excitement. God, she's such a romantic.

"Gross, feelings," I say with a mouth full of candy. Emily rolls her eyes at me.

"What Hanna? Are you just upset that I didn't profess my undying feelings for you after all these years?" Emily says with mock sweetness and tackles me off the sofa.

'Bitch you spilled my M&M's!" I shriek and roll us over so that I'm on top. I grab a pillow and proceed to beat the crap out of Emily for taking away my candy.

"Damnit Ali aren't you supposed to be helping me?!" Emily yells while still under my pillow assault.

"Nope, this is too damn funny," Alison says while snickering at her girlfriend's predicament. Eww that's a weird thought, Alison's girlfriend.

"Hey I have some feelings!" I proclaim and stand up, offering Emily a hand up.

"Well please Hanna, do share," Spencer says, quite sarcasticallly I might add.

"You guys have to promise to keep the shenanagins to a minimum around us, because it's pretty weird that two of our best friends are dating now," I announce and the couple nods agreeingly.

"Yeah sure, it's gotta be odd to see us together," Alison says and Emily grabs her hand.

"But I don't know how good I'm gonna be at keeping that promise," Emily says evilly and bends her head down to kiss Ali's neck.

"Eww nope. No, that's gross," I say and cover my eyes.

"Relaz Hanna, I'm just kidding," Emily says and throws the pillow that was on the ground at my head.

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