Chapter 30: The Best Plan is No Plan

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Ok thank you guys so much for listening to what I asked of you. I didn't think I would get nearly as big a turn out as I did and it just made me so frickin happy. Let's try and do that again! This chapter is dedicated to Ale_S27 for reading my story in a language that is not her native one. The effort that that would take is not going unacknowledged by me so this is me acknowledging it lol. Ok enjoy the chapter guys:)


Emily's POV

"So do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I ask her. If we are going back to being best friends again, that's usually something we would do.

"No!" she shouts way too quickly. I looked at her, confused by her outburst, and she looks at me apologetically.

"Sorry," she says while running a hand down her face. "I watched way too many movies yesterday."

"Well we could order in and go outside, It's beautiful today," I suggest.

"What, getting tired of my cooking?" Ali teases with a smile.

"Maybe," I said laughing a little bit. "Maybe I'm tired of having to watch you slave over a hot stove."

"Fine, but I want Thai food," Ali says while running upstairs to grab her phone and call the Thai place. I walk into the backyard and am happy to see that Ali's eno is indeed still hanging between the two oak trees in her backyard. I sit down into the hammock and start swinging, enjoying the view of the leaves interlacing over the sky. I feel the hammock sink down from the weight of another person and I look over at Ali who is now looking at the same view I was moments ago.

"So how has swimming been going for you? I haven't asked you about it in a while," she says while continuing my swinging motions. I think back on the last couple months of my individual training and smile.

"It's been going great," I say truthfully, unable to keep the smile off my face. "I love every single second of it and I can't wait to be back on the sharks next year."

"Wait, you weren't on the team last year?" Ali asked shocked.

"Yeah," I say a little bashfully. "I wasn't in the right mind space to be apart of a team."

"There's a lot we still don't know about each other," Ali points out.

"We've both changed a lot," I say, agreeing with her previous statement

"What's you're favorite color?" Ali blurts out randomly. I give her the what the heck is up with you look and she starts to explain.

"Twenty questions," she tells me. "I want to get to know this Emily Fields."

"Orange," I tell her smiling. "What's yours?"

"Green," she tells me smiling right back.

"What?!" I say in shock. "You used to love pink!"

She laughs at my shocked expression. "When I was gone, I really got to appreciate nature. I didn't see a lot of artificial stuff, so I went back to the basics. Greens, browns, blues. I saw a lot of those," she explains.

"So are these little questions going to reveal huge life secrets that happened while we were separated?" I ask, a little afraid of what might happen if we try to have a heart to heart. Usually those end in pretty extreme measures, whether or not they are good or bad.

"Maybe," she says. "Maybe they'll just reveal the little things. All of it is equally as important to me."

"Ok," I reply. "I can deal with that."

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