End of Chapter 11 Alison's POV

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Alison's POV

I pull up outside Emily's house with the bag from the bakery.  Blueberry muffins are both of our favorites so I thought I would surprise her with some.  I really don't want to go to that charity fair for my mom so I'm ready to do just about anything to get out of it.  I don't really feel like waiting outside so I just open the door and pop my head into her house, knowing that anything I do is ok with Emily.  I see her at the top of the staircase and announce myself incase she hasn't already seen me.

"Knock knock, Em.  Can I come in?" I ask politely while I see her bound down the rest of the stairs.

"Mhmm I don't think so," she says teasingly, is she flirting with me?

"Come on, Em, I brought fresh muffins from the bakery," I sing, knowing that she'll cave for the food.  The bakery in this town is on point.

"Alright fine, I guess you and your muffins can come inside," she says finally and I open the door a little bit more to go inside.  I walk straight into her kitchen without waiting for her and open the bag.  I get out two forks and sit at the counter when I realized she hasn't followed me in yet.

"Em?" I call her, catching her attention.  "You coming? These muffins won't stay warm for long," I remind her and start to eat mine.  Mhmm these muffins are so good, I might eat Emily's too if she doesn't hurry up.  She comes over to the counter to grab her muffin but her hand brushes mine.  The feeling of hot fire that runs through my veins from the brief contact shocks me and I quickly recoil away.  She tries to say something about what just happened, but I won't let her.

"Go on, eat! I got it specially for you," I say nervously, really confused by the lingering effects of our brief contact.  She goes ahead and starts to eat her muffin and I stare at my hand.

What is wrong with you? I say to my hand.  Get ahold of yourself

"Alison?" Emily asks me, snapping me out of my conversation with my hand. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say and plaster on my regular smile.  "So what do you want to do today? I want this to be an Ali Emmy day," I'm blatantly trying to change the subject by using the nickname her dad calls her.  Hopefully it will send her into feelings overload and she'll forget about it, perks of having her love me. Obviously it works, I can almost see the lovebirds circling around her head.

"Mhmmm, let me think," she says, still distracted.  "Sunday walk in the park with a picnic for lunch?"  Well this sounds like a date to me, maybe I over did it a little bit.  I know I have to be careful, but it's not really like I can say no and I really don't want to go to that charity fair.

"Sure but can we go to my house first? I want to make lunch for the picnic and change of these dreadful church clothes,” I explain as I finish my muffin. 

“Sure, but we have to walk if you didn’t bring your car, mine is in the shop,” she tells me and puts her fork down, signaling that she’s done eating.

That’s fine, go change and we can go!” I say and take both of our plates to the sink.  I start climbing up her stairs and get all the way to her room, her not far behind. I start going through her closets to pick out and outfit before I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Ali, you know I love you,” don’t I know it, “but can I pick out my own outfit? I want to be comfortable not flashy,” she says in a small voice, as if she’s afraid I might bite her hand off.  I guess I got a little carried away, I just love clothes and everything that goes with it.

“Alright fine, but only if you let me approve it,” I say with my famous half smile while I go and sit on her bed.  She starts rummaging through her clothes and comes out wearing a red and white striped tank tope with cut-off jean shorts and maroon vans.  She looks at me in question and I break out my full force grin.

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