Chapter 43: Only One Girl Can Break a Dilaurentis

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Happy update y'all! I finally got this out, and I will have to say, it's one of my favorites.  Y'all might not think so but;) Anyway this chapter is dedicated to EmisonEppySwift381 for having a great taste in music.  Speaking of music, there is no playlist this chapter because I'm watching Orange is the New black while I write this.  Enjoy the chapter guys:)


Alison's POV

Her broken cry still resonates through my head.  Unfortunately so do Spencer's pain filled screams.  I've never seen Emily lose control like that, and I don't want to see it again.  Her eyes were black with rage as she broke Spencer's bones.  She couldn't even stop from hurting me, the throbbing of my head has yet to go away.  

It's been two days and while I have yet to see Emily, I've definitely heard from her.  She's texted me, emailed me, called me.  I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote me a letter in the mail. I've been ignoring her because what I saw was too much like Master.  The way she lost her temper and beat Spencer was how he used to beat me.  I can't go down that path again, it'll kill me.  Hanna and Aria have also been calling constantly.  I haven't been ignoring them like I am Emily, but I haven't told them anything.  I basically just said I didn't know what was going on and that it was just between Emily and Spencer. I know that this cover up won't last forever, but it will bug me time to figure out what I'm going to do.

I miss her though.  Not the girl who beat one of her best friends without mercy, but I miss the Emily that would kiss my forehead before I went to sleep and hold my hand when I was scared.  I miss the girl I was starting to fall for, but she has turned into a monster without feeling.  

When I hear a knocking at my door, I freeze thinking that it's Emily. I peek out my bedroom window and see Hanna's car parked in my driveway.  I let out a breath of relief and head downstairs to open the door.

"What's up Han?" I ask as I open the door. 

"You have to talk to her," Hanna says tiredly, looking like she hasn't slept at all.

"I told you already, I have nothing to say to Spencer.  I don't know what she's talking about," I say exasperatedly.  This would not be the first time someone has asked me to talk to Spencer.

"Not Spencer, Emily.  She's nothing without you," Hanna says and my heart drops to my feet.

"I have nothing to say to her either," I say coldly and try to shut the door.

"You now she didn't mean to hurt you," Hanna tries to persuade me and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, can't exactly say the same about Spencer," I say, not wanting to have this conversation.

"Weren't you the one that said that that was between her and Spencer?" Hanna points out.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter what was between who, or if she meant to or not.  She still hurt me, she still broke Spencer, and nothing she can do will make me forget that," I say, satisfied with my point.

"She's not the only one that's ever lost control Alison.  I don't think outing Ben was your shining moment, yet she forgave you in a heartbeat," Hanna says sassily and I immediately get defensive.

"That was completely different," I tell her, trying to justify my actions.

"Was it? You hurt him just like Emily hurt Spencer," Hanna says with raised eyebrows.

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