Chapter 36: My Own Personal Horror Movie

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Alright I was on a roll when I posted last chapter, so I worked on this one all night. Literally, I didn't stop writing. If it sucks, blame it on lack of sleep but don't blame it on my dedication because my head is pounding and my eyes are going fuzzy. This chapter is dedicated to 1987H1998 for sending me a very nice message. You rock:) This chapter's playlist is:

"Heartless" Kanye West

"No Light, No Light" Florence and the Machine

"Amnesia" 5 Seconds of Summer

"Breaking Away" Bosshouse Music

"Shake it Off" Taylor Swift

"Since You Been Gone" Kelly Clarkson

"Shadow Stabbing" Cake

"R.P.M." Sasha Pieterse

"Kill and Run" Sia


Emily's POV

The rest of the week went much the same as Monday, except I didn't see Alison nearly as much. The classes we had together, we acted like we didn't know each other and we went to different lunches. I didn't really even notice her until Friday when she came to school looking like a hobo. She was wearing leggings and a baggy sweatshirt with her hair looking like a rat's nest and no makeup on. Very unusual for Ali D.

"Did you see Alison this morning?" Aria asks during lunch.

"Yeah, she looks like she got hit by a bus," Hanna says with a mouthful of food.

"Hanna," Spencer says scoldingly.

"What? Not my fault she woke up on the side of the bed without Emily," Hann says and we all look disapprovingly at her. She shrugs and continues to eat her sandwich as Aria and Spencer look worriedly at me.

"Guys relax. I'm not going to mentally collapse everytime I hear her name," I say and stick my fork into my pasta and take a mouthful. They are still looking at me like I might burst into tears at the drop of a hat, so I swallow and try again.

"Seriously guys, I'm fine. If you wanna worry about someone, worry about Alison because she looks like the Great Depression," I say and point at her sitting in the courtyard staring at a brick wall.

"She looks like she could use a power nap," Aria muses.

"Please, she looks like she could use a fourthnight, that girl definitely missed her beauty sleep," Hanna says, finishing her lunch.

"It's a fortnight," Spencer corrects her. "And that's not even the correct way to use the term."

"Whatever, she looks ugly," Hanna says and I laugh quietly. Hanna's one liners always manage to crack me up.

"Are we still on for our scary movie marathon after school?" Spencer asks as we all get up to throw our trash away.

"Yep, my house, you guys bring the popcorn," I confirm, putting my tray on the conveyor belt.

"Y'all better bring extra butter, or nothing at all. My inner fat girl wants to be an outer fat girl again," Hanna says and we all laugh at her love for food. We have no idea how she's kept the weight off since getting skinny, because she eats exactly the same as she used to.

As we are laughing, I glance sideways out the window and make eye contact with Alison. Her dull gray eyes connect with mine, but instead of peircing into my brown eyes like they usually do, they just seem lifeless. It's a scary contrast to see, and I don't like it. Instead of going over to her though, I just look ahead and have fun with my friends. Alison is not my responsibility anymore.

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