Chapter 27: I'll Never Let Go Ali

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Alrighty I'm excited for you guys to read this so I'm just gonna jump right into the dedication.  I've decided to dedicate this chapter to ThisGirlLovesPLL because she commented saying that she liked last chapter's kiss scene.  That makes me super happy because I always feel so awkward writing intimate scenes, even if they are brief.  I do my best to be professional about it but it's super awkward for me.  So thanks for boosting my confidence, this one's for you:)  I feel like everyone's gonna like this chapter a lot, it's been a long time coming:)


My mouth moves harshly against Alison's and my body ignites with the intensity. This kiss is hot, desperate. Alison moans heavily into my mouth and I take that as an opportunity to force my way into her mouth. As I explore every inch of her mouth with my tongue, I release her hands from my iron grip. They both loop around my neck and I slam my forearms on the wall by her head, caging her in.

This kiss carries so much passion, partly because my anger is still fueling me, and partly because this has been a long time coming. We've gotten little tastes of each other before, but now we are both unleashed. Ali is completely submissive to me right now and it feels empowering.

I take arms down from the wall and run them down her flawless body. I need to touch her, I can't restrain myself anymore. My hands travel from her face, to her neck, down her body, until I get to the crook of her knee and hike it up. She seems to get the hint because she brings her other leg up and around my waist while I take my hands and cup her ass for support. I now am holding Ali up against the wall and the way she is pressed to me is making a hot fire race down my spine.

I remove my lips from hers and move them down to her neck. I suck harshly on the spot right where her neck meets her shoulder and bite down. She groans so I run my tongue over it to soothe the bite. That's going to be a hickey later but I don't care. When I move my lips up and start sucking on her sweet spot below her ear, her breathing becomes ragged.

"Em," she breathes out before leaning her head back against the wall because of the intensity of the sensations.

The way she moans my name does it. I lower her down from the wall and turn her around. I bring my lips back up to hers while quickly making steps over to her bed. I push her roughly back on the bed and climb on top of her without breaking the kiss. However, she does. Ali scoots back until she is leaning back against the pillows at the head of the bed and I crawl over to her. The force of which I kiss her with pushes her back into the pillows and has her gasping for breath. I take the hem of her shirt in my hands and pull it up over her head. I pull away to look at her body and groan at the perfection. She's wearing a black bra and the surface of her stomach is so tan and toned. Her hand comes up to the back of my neck and she pulls me down to crash my lips on hers. I run my hands all along her torso, trying to explore every inch of her exposed skin.

My hands travel up to cup both of her breasts over her bra and she puffs a big breath into my mouth. I moan at the feel of how they perfectly fit into my hand and make my way around her back to the clasp of her bra. Just as I'm about to unhook it, Alison stops me.

"Wait wait wait," she says breathless. I pull away so I can look at her and I almost can't handle it. The way her chest rises and falls rapidly with her ragged breathing and the flush of pink in her cheeks is almost enough to push me over the edge. She is the definition of perfection.

"I can't do this right now," she says, her breathing slowing down.

"But the last time we kissed-" I start before she cuts me off.

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