Chapter 17: Team Emria for the Win!

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This chapter is dedicated to cayetana_xo for asking me to read her story yesterday. Guys I love reading other people's stories and it makes me feel really special if you want me to personally read your story.  So don't be afraid to ask, I don't think it's rude at all:) Enjoy the SECOND UPLOAD IN ONE DAY:)


Hanna's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I realize Emily and Ali still haven't joined us upstairs.  I shake Aria awake who is sleeping beside me in the bed and throw a pillow at Spencer who is asleep on the love seat by the window.

"Han, if it's before ten, I'm going to have to kill you," Aria mumbles to me sleepily. Spencer chucks the pillow back at me and I raise my arm to deflect it away from my face.

"Why are you waking us up right now didn't we decide we didn't want to go to school today?" Spencer mumbles groggily.  Normally it takes weeks of pestering Spencer to skip but we had some dumb assembly today so we decided it wasn't important.

"Guys, Alison and Emily still aren't up here.  Do you think they went to one of their houses?" I ask them.

"Well I doubt the went to Ali's with her brother's friends still there and it didn't really look like Ali was up for walking all the way to Emily's.  Let's just eat breakfast and call them later, I'm hungry," Spencer says sleepily but getting up and out the door.

We walk downstairs and when we reach the bottom of the stairs, we realize that don't have to worry about Emily and Ali anymore.  They are both asleep on the uncomfortable looking couch downstairs and I will admit, they look adorable.  Alison's face is buried in Emily's neck and Em has her arm wrapped around Ali's waist.  Their legs are entwined and they are both peacefully sleeping.

"Guys," I whisper to Aria and Spencer and point to the two girls on the sofa.

"They look so peaceful," Aria muses while looking at them.

Spencer doesn't say anything, but she has a weird look on her face.  She cocks her head to the side while looking at Emily and Alison.  She shakes her head and then goes to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Should we wake them?" Aria asks.

"We should let them rest, Ali had a long night," I tell her.  Ali's heartbreaking sobs could reach us in Spencer's room and no matter how mad we were at her for outing Ben, we couldn't help but feel her pain.

Spencer has been oddly quiet while pouring herself some coffee and getting a muffin out of the fridge.  When she puts her plate on the counter, she ends up making enough noise to wake Emily. 


Emily's POV

When I wake up the next morning, Ali's familiar scent envelopes me.  Her skin against mine is like silk.  I move slightly, all while keeping my eyes closed.  This seems to wake Ali because she groans into my neck and moves her head to look up at me.

"Hey," she mumbles to me.

"How you feeling?" I say while looking at her concerned.

"Mmmm sort of like I got hit by a bus.  Thanks for staying with me Em," she tells me, sleep laced in her voice.

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