Chapter 25: That's Not Gonna Fix This

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Ok guys, I had a lot of trouble with picking this chapter's dedication. I got so many nice comments on my last chapter and I loved them all so much. I will have to dedicate this chapter to ericacrowder because she said everything that a writer wants to hear. If you guys want to know what makes me happy, go read what she commented on last chapter and that's basically it in a nutshell. So yeah, thank you guys for all the love and support, it really is a big motivator! It's basically why you guys have gotten two uploads in two days so if you want more updates faster, comment more! Ok enough of my talking, enjoy the chapter:)


Alison's POV

When I woke up the next morning, I was cold. Emily was gone, but I can't really expect much else. I should be happy that she stayed at all, who knows what my subconscious would've made me relive. The worst part of these dreams is that they aren't just dreams. They're memories.

I throw the comforter off me and head downstairs to make some breakfast. I make myself some pancakes and get the whip cream out of the fridge. Just as I'm about to put some on my breakfast, I remember when Emily and I got into a food fight before I went missing. Yep, no whip cream this morning.

I don't really understand what exactly we are fighting about, but I know that both of us have some explaining to do. At least I know that I need to apologize, Emily is acting like she didn't do anything wrong. She has to realize that I'm having a hard time too, she knows me better than everyone. At least I thought she did, but maybe we don't know each other as well as I thought.


Emily's POV

I'm exhausted. Like completely dead exhausted. I didn't sleep at all, I couldn't. I was too wired and confused on why I stayed with her. She has me completely wrapped around her finger and I can't do anything about it. Except deny it. The longer I do, the less of a hold she has on me.

I just stayed up all night, watching her. I watched the way her chest rose and fell with her breathing. I watched the way her body moved towards me, like she was subconsciously seeking my warmth. I watched the way her eyebrows scrunched together right before she started having a bad dream. I also watched the way her whole body seemed to relax when I traced my fingers up and down her arms. I just watched her.

An hour after it turned light outside, I left. I figured it would be easier for both of us if I was gone by the time she woke up. Less explaining to do. I also didn't want to see her blue open and look at me because then I would definitely lose all restraint that I was building up against her. She will not win this war, this time I will be the victor.

As soon as I get home I collapse on the couch. I just don't have the energy to make it all the way up the stairs and to my room. As soon as my head hits the armrest, I'm out.


When I wake up, I'm confronted by the sound of my mother's voice.

"She's right in the den, but she's asleep right now. I think she had a long night," my mom tells whoever she's talking to.

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