End of 26 to Beginning of 27 in Ali's POV

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Ok so I was thinking about putting these rewrites in a different story but I thought it would be easier to find here. If you guys want me to, comment and tell me. These won't have dedications so I'm just gonna jump right into this. Enjoy:)

PS- I was reluctant to post this POV because it reveals some important stuff for Ali but I decided, you guys deserve it so here you go:)


Alison's POV

Getting grilled by Tanner was painful. Having Emily walk out on me was excruciating. She was the last person I expected to ever turn on me but she's the first person I expected to be hurt by my lie. Her face when I said I ran away just plunged a knife in my chest. Just thinking about her is twisting the knife so instead, I think I'm going to read a book. I grab the first one on my nightstand and feel like laughing and crying at the irony. Great Expectations, go figure.

I open it and start absentmindedly flipping through the pages, looking for nothing in particular. After a couple minutes, I hear angry pounding coming up the stairs. I assume it's Jason or maybe even my mother, but I did not expect it to be Emily storming through my door.

"Em-" I start but she cuts me off with a question of her own.

"How could you Ali?" she says, getting right to the crux of her frustrations. "How could you act like none of it matters?" I put the book down on my bed and stand up, deciding to try and speak again.


"No!" she screams, stopping my efforts once again. "For once you are going to listen to me Alison!" I'm slightly frustrated that she won't let me talk but also a little bit turned on at her dominance.

"You leave, when I needed you most you left me! You let me believe you were dead for a full year, and then you just come back like nothing changed?" I start walking towards her, not exactly on purpose, but because I'm so drawn to her right now.

"When you told me about your feelings, I thought you had changed. I kissed you, and you let me! Then the next day you turn my whole life on its head by telling me that you left on your own decision?!?!" I've finally gotten all the way over to her and I just want to touch her, but I stop myself. I'm barely stopping myself though because I want her so badly right now.

"What makes you think-" I can't stand to hear her talk anymore so I do it. I kiss her. I push her forcefully against the wall and in my usual style, take control of the situation.

Her lips are unresponsive under mine and I can tell that she is shocked by my actions. I look her in eyes and break away.

"Kiss me Emily," I whisper before bending my head down to suck on her neck, hopefully thawing her out. To my surprise she takes my hands that are on her forearms and spins me around to slam me against the wall. This is a complete 180, literally, of how we were a few seconds ago.

"You're selfish, she says and presses her parted lips on my shoulder. Her words are biting but her actions are the opposite. The contrast immediately sends a hot flash of desire down my body and my breathing immediately takes off.

"You're deceitful," she tells me as she moves her mouth to my neck. She sucks on my roughly on my neck and a soft moan falls out of my mouth. Her lips move up to my ear to tell me her next animadversion.

"You never think about the consequences of your actions," she says and then goes to suck and nibble on my earlobe. I'm so turned on right now it's ridiculous, I feel like I could spontaneously combust.

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