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So this is it guys.  I love each and everyone of you so much and I can't explain to you how much it meant to me to have you guys read my book.  And it's for this purpose that I dedicate the final upload of Against Reason to everyone who read and enjoyed my story.  Thank you guys from abstaining from hate comments and being mean, it really shows guys.  Alright I won't bore you any longer, enjoy the epilogue! This chapter's playlist is nonexistent because I wanted this to be the only thing I was thinking about when I wrote it.  Enjoy:)


Emily's POV

I can feel the beat of the bass moving through my veins.  I can also feel my sexy girlfriend grinding her ass on me as we dance to the thumping of the club music.  I have a drink in my hand, three other friends at the bar, and a girl pressed against every inch of me, nothing can get better.

"Emily?" Alison asks, her hand sliding up to grab the nape of my neck.

"Mhm," I hum, sliding my hands down her body.

"I need a drink, come on," she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the dance floor to Hanna, Aria, and Spencer waiting for us at the bar.

"Whoa, done already?" Aria asks surprised, handing Alison a tequila shot.

"Nah, I'm just getting started.  On three?" Alison proposes as we all get out hands on a shot.

"One," Spencer starts.

"Two," Hanna says with an excited grin.

"Three!" we all shout at once, downing our drinks and laughing.

Five years later, we really haven't changed.  Spencer got accepted to the University of Pennsylvania, and was now working towards her degree in law.  Aria got accepted to the New York School of Arts and is employed as a photographer at a major fashion company.  That company being Marin Incorporated, which is co-owned by Hanna and Alison, both doing what they were born to do.  I myself got into Danby on a swimming scholarship, so thank God we all ended up in the same general area.  Well New England at least. 

Tonight, we are all here together to celebrate the birthday girl.  Alison, being the baby, just turned twenty-one tonight, so to celebrate we decided to take her to the club.  Well, take her now legally.

"Alright so to Alison! For keeping us all together and driving us insane at the same time," Spencer says, smiling at the bubbly, and slightly tipsy, blonde.

"To Alison!" we all toast and raise out drinks to our lips.

"I love you," I say in her ear and kiss the spot right behind it.

"I love you too," she says smiling as she brings my lips down to meet hers.

"Hey, whoa whoa, hey! None of that till we're gone," Hanna says, chucking a straw wrapper at the two of us.

 "But it's her birthday!" I whine, pressing her back into my front.

"Yeah but I don't remember it being yours," Hanna says teasingly as I playfully push her shoulder.

Five years later, Alison and I are still going strong.  We have an apartment thirty minutes from school and fifteen from Marin headquarters.  We don't talk things like marriage and kids because we know there's no pressure for the future.  She's mine and I'm hers, and right now that's enough for both of us.

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