Chapter 33: When Thin Ice Breaks

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I'm sorry this took me so long, sophmore year is really kicking me in the butthole.  I finally got it out and I want to dedicate it to deviouslilmess for writing a really sweet commnt on one of my other chapters.  You rock bro.  Today's music playlist came exclusively from the Nashville soundtrack, so sorry if you don't like it but I chose the songs that weren't country so you're welcome if you hate country as much as I do.  Ok enjoy the chapter now:)

"Black Roses" Clare Bowen
"If I Didn't Know Better" Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio 
"A Life That's Good" Lennon and Maisy
'Stronger Than Me" Connie Britton
"When the Right One Comes Along" Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio
"Lately" Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio
"Let There be Lonely," Jonathan Jackson
"Fade Into You," Clare Bowen and Sam Palladio
"It Ain't Yours to Throw Away" Sam Palladio
"No One Will Ever Love You" Connie Britton and Charles Esten
"How You Learn to Live Alone" Jonathan Jackson
"Gun for a Mouth" Sam Palladio


Emily's POV

For about a month, things were really good between Ali and I.  We had days much like the day we went swimming, and I would now always stay over at Ali’s.  And if I wasn’t at Ali’s, she was at mine.  The two of us were practically inseparable, and I loved every minute of it. The only thing that I didn’t exactly like is that each of those minutes were spent in her home.  The last time we got frozen yogurt was the last time Rosewood saw both of us together. At first, I didn’t question when Ali said she didn’t really feel like going out.  However as my ideas to go get dinner or to see a movie were continually shot down, I got suspicious.

“Ali?” I said quietly.  We are sitting on the couch in her room with her sitting on my lap reading a book while I absentmindedly twirl pieces of her hair between my fingers and just enjoy being here with her.

“Mhmm,” she says, engrossed in her book.

“The movie about the little girl that sees dead people came out last week, want to go see it?” I ask her, praying that she’ll say yes. 

“Not tonight babe,” she mumbles, not even looking up.  I almost let it slide again and go back to playing with her hair but then I remember all the times I’ve wanted to do something with her and she's shot me down.  I know something that I can do to catch her attention.

“Why do you never want to go out with me?” I ask her in the same tone as before.  However, this time she puts down her book at looks at me like a deer in the headlights.

“What do you mean?” she asks cautiously, knowing that she is skating on thin ice.

“Why do you always reject all of my ideas to do something fun in town, or at least outside of this house?” I ask and she scoots off of me so we can have a direct conversation.

“I don’t reject all of your ideas,” she tries to say but I just look at her.

“Really? Because that time that I wanted to go mini-golfing you decided to have dinner with your dad or the time I wanted to go bowling but you had to study for the entrance exam, or the time I wanted to go roller skating-“

“Ok I get it,” she says, stopping me in my list of never ending activities that we never do.

"What do you want me to say Alison?" I say throwing my hands up in the air but still keeping a level tone, I'm not fighting with her.  Yet.

"I want you to say it's ok," she says and reaches for my hand.  "I want you to say that just being with me is enough for you."

I see what she's trying to do now. She's trying to guilt me into just going along with whatever she says but I'm not gonna fall for it.  I let her walk all over me in the past, but not anymore.  I'm putting my foot down on this one.

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