Chapter 21:She Definitely Knows How to Make an Entrance

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Ok guys never let me publish a chapter unedited again. There were like a million and a half mistakes and I even forgot to give the chapter a name! I'm never doing that again hahaha. Anyway this chapter is dedicated to A_Lovatic_ because she left a really sweet comment in my story. Love you girl! Enjoy the chapter guys


Alison's POV

"This is a sight I love to see. You chained at my feet like a dog, never gets old," Master's voice is mocking, patronizing. I hate it. He walks up next to me and squats down.

"Can you believe it's been a whole year? It feels like just yesterday when I grabbed you from the Hastings' yard. Do you remember that day?" I don't answer him, which is a mistake. His hand whips and smacks me hard in the face.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you bitch!" His voice barks out. I whimper and answer him.

"Yes Master I remember," my voice shakes as I talk, I'm terrified of what's coming next.

"Good girl," he says in a mock peppy voice as he takes his finger and moves my chin towards him. His hot breath on my face makes me shirk back from him. He ignore it though and presses his lips full on mine. He kisses me with more force than I'm willing to return to him. My unwillingness frustrated him and he snarls into my mouth. He traces his tongue on my bottom lip, but I refuse him entrance. He bites down hard on my bottom lip until I start to taste blood. I gasp and he takes this opportunity to slip his slimy tongue in my mouth. His tongue dominates my mouth, gagging me. He pulls away and smiles wickedly.

"That's why you're here bitch. To satisfy my every need. It's all you'll ever be good for," he's still smiling as he talks. He gets up and is about to leave when he points to something on the ground.

"What is that?" he snarls, no longer smiling. I look to where he's pointing and see my blood on the floor below the window. I realize it's from my leg and I try to slide it under me, away from his scrutinizing gaze. He catches the motion though and takes long powerful strides to the place I'm seated. He takes his hand and forcefully pulls my leg out from under me. He sees the tear in my jeans and the cut on my leg and his breathing gets heavier.

"How did this happen?" he barks out. I whimper and look away from him but he grabs my chin, making me look at him.

"I said how did this happen!" he yells, now enraged.

"I must have cut it on the floor, a loose nail or something," I say, babbling too quickly. He punches me square in the jaw and I cry out, falling to the floor.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" he roars while approaching me to hit me again. He kicks me in the ribs and I scream in agony. He keeps taking shots at me while I tug at the chain, trying to get free.

"How long have you been sneaking out? Who have you been going to see?" Master yells as he continues to break my ribs. I give one last mighty yank on the chain and it gives in, freeing my hands. I hastily get up, wobbling from the amount of hits I've taken and run. He grabs my leg as I make it out of the playroom and we both go tumbling to the floor. I look behind me and kick my leg out, catching him right in the face. He grunts and lets go, giving me time to escape. I hop up and run to the window, crawling through it and taking off to the woods.

I weave in and out of trees, running like my life depends on it because it does. I'm stumbling all over the place and every breath I take is agony on my ribs but I keep running. This is it. This is my escape. I'm almost to the edge of the woods when I hear his voice about from a little off to my left.

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