Chapter 1: Delicious Tan and Tempting Hair

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I stared at the back of her head like she had the stamp of Jesus tattooed there. You know the saying 'I could feel her eyes burning in the back of my head,' or something like that? Well obviously that's not true because I've been basically glaring at my best friend Alison for the past 20 minutes hoping she'll turn around. I almost expect her golden blonde hair to disintegrate if I concentrate anymore on it. I texted her earlier but I forgot she's going through this "good girl" phase and won't check her phone during class anymore. Alison has a lot of phases, that's just her personality. Always changing. Anyway, I have a date with the new guy Ben and I've been freaking out about what I should wear. He's a swimmer, like me, and has perfect abs, grades, hair, you name it. Alison will approve. At least, I hope she does. Alison's stamp of approval is probably worth more than Jesus's that I'm still pretending is on the back of her head because she WON'T FRICKIN LOOK AT ME!

"Alison! Psssttt, Alison!'

"What do you want Emily? I'm trying to listen to what Mrs. Montgomery is saying."

Typical Ali, throwing herself into her flavor of the week and going all out. The one time I need her to be bad she's too busy being, well, being like me. I'm the good girl, doesn't drink or party and always does what my parents tell me to. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a prude, but I sure do act like it.

"Have you seen the new guy Ben around? I need some advice about him."

"Oooh did Miss.Perfect find a Mr.Perfect? Is he that guy with the delicious tan and hair that is just begging to have fingers run through it while your tongue is halfway down his throat?" Oh gosh there goes Ali back to her usual gossipy self. Told you these phases didn't last long.

"Umm well I guess. He asked me out after swimming yesterday and we have a date tonight. I wasn't nervous until last period when I started psyching myself out about it and now I need your help with hair, makeup. clothes. Stuff like that for the date tonight."

"Miss.Fields, Miss.Dilaurentis. Please hush during my lesson, you'll have later to talk about your date with delicious tan and tempting hair." Oops. Busted.


"Alright Em, so what's up? How'd you meet Ben, when did y'all start talking, and why am I just now hearing about this date if he asked you yesterday?" Gosh Ali can be so nosy sometimes, but I mean I guess she has a right. I'm the one asking for her help in the first place.

"Well I met him at swimming. He's been on the team all season but we just started talking 2 weeks ago and he asked me yesterday. I didn't tell you because it just slipped my mind I guess. Anyway, it probably won't be anything serious. I mean, the season ends and then what?"

"Umm I don't care if its not serious, I still wanna know every juicy detail! Are you gonna tell the other girls or is this just our special secret?"

Oh crap I forgot about the others. Ali and I are part of a group of 5 girls, Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Alison, and myself. Alison is definitely the leader though. She was popular before us and brought us together. In fact, the only reason people in Rosewood, the town we live in, know my name is because of her. She made us all something special, like the IT group. There is no way someone like Ben would have asked me out without her being my friend. I knew I was pretty with my dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and naturally tan skin, but I was no one special. Neither were the other girls. But Ali made us special.

"Yeah I'll tell the others but I don't have time right now, I need to start getting ready. After the date we can all go to your house and talk about it, ok?" I ask, partly for me to tell the girls, and partly because I wanna tell Alison how the date went and ask her opinion on it. It almost means more to me than my own.

"Alright, but I'm staying to help you get ready. God knows what you would wear without my help. Probably your swim sweats and sliders hahaha. Don't worry though, I'll get your closet to throw up all the right things."

Ouch that hurt. I mean, I know I'm not the queen of fashion and I'm not that girly either, but I at least know how to get ready for a date by myself. But I don't dare say that out loud. Alison can be the most caring and understanding person in the world at times, but then she turns around and makes you remember that she is the Alpha dog. The fact that I know her at her best makes her worst, all that much worse.

"Thanks Ali, let's get started."


I'm on my way to my date and I'm beyond nervous.  After much digging and snide comments about my clothes, Ali finally managed to put together something she deemed date-worthy.  Basically it meant I was wearing the nicest things I owned on my first date with a boy I'm not even sure I'm going to end up liking all that much.  I was wearing a mid-thigh navy blue dress with tiny pink flowers on it and wedges that made me feel like I could blow over.   When I finally get to the place we are eating, Applerose Grill or better known as just the Grill, I start looking for Ben.  When I spot him my stomach does a little somersault, which cannot be good considering we are about to eat.  He's wearing khaki pants and a navy blue button up, almost like he dressed to match me.  

        "Hey pretty lady, I almost didn't recognize you without goggles and a swim cap on." Oh my gosh his voice is like Beyoncé, while listening to it you just melt, but when it stops you are just sitting there tongue tied.  Which is like me, right now.  Sitting speechless in front of a boy I didn't realize I liked until Ali approved. Oh my gosh Emily say something you're acting like an idiot.

        "H-heyy Ben how long have you been here? Did you get a table already? Have you eaten here before; I know you're new so you might not have.  Who am I kidding you've been in Rosewood since the beginning of the year of course you've eaten here. Did you like it?"

Oh my Lord, why can't I shut up?  One minute I'm struggling to say something, and the next it's like Niagara Falls is pouring out of my mouth in words.  For once, why can't I be as fluent with guys as Ali?  Whoever she wants she gets, I mean she is the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen; she's popular, and just perfect in everyway.  Who wouldn't want her?

        "Wow Em that's a lot of questions in not a lot of seconds hahaha. Wanna stick to one for now and we can figure the rest out as we eat?" Thank God he's not awkward about my awkwardness or I might die of embarrassment.  I'm starting to like this boy more already.

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